
The Undertaker Reveals Who Is The Worst Wrestler To Room With

The Undertaker WWE

The Undertaker shared a hilarious and unforgettable story about his worst roommate experience with The Iron Sheik.

The incident occurred during The Undertaker’s early days in the wrestling business when he had to share a hotel room with Sheik. In an episode of his podcast, Six Feet Under with Mark Calaway, The Undertaker recalled being woken up in the early hours of the morning by Sheik, who was performing Hindu squats on the hotel room balcony with the sliding door open, allowing the cold winter air to seep in. Despite his discomfort, Undertaker respected the veterans in the industry and had no say in the matter.

Anyway, I ended up back in my hotel room and around 1:30 In the morning, Sheik came in maybe another 30-45 minutes after I did. I’m just right there on the edge. Have some good sleep and he goes ‘Excellent Mark Baba. You get in good rest?’ I said ‘Yeah, Yes Sheik getting some sleep.’ ‘Ah, that’s excellent brother.’ So he lays down and falls asleep.

It’s like, a couple hours later. I woke up freezing and I looked the other way there was a sliding glass door that had a little balcony. It’s 4:30 in the morning and Sheik is out there doing Hindu squats, he’s got nothing but his wrestling tights on.

Later that night, after Undertaker had finally managed to fall back asleep, he was abruptly awakened again. This time, he discovered that Sheik had taken a long shower, which seemed to go on forever. Just when Undertaker thought he could finally get some rest, he heard the sound of a blow dryer.

So, the next thing I heard was the shower on. Full steam. I’m like, ‘Oh my gosh.’ So now he’s in there taking a shower. And I mean, it’s the longest shower I’ve ever heard any human take. So, the shower goes on and on and on and finally, I hear the water turn off. I’m like ‘Oh, thank gosh, look, you know, got like an hour, hour and 15 minutes. Okay, go to sleep.’ Then the next thing I hear the blow dryer starts.

Curiosity got the better of him, and Undertaker decided to investigate. He found that Sheik, who was bald and shaved his body, was blow-drying his moustache. The absurdity of the situation left Undertaker both amused and perplexed.

Now, I’ve been awake for a while now. So, I have my faculties about me. And I’m trying to think like, what on earth? Is he blow-drying? He has no hair, he’s bald. he shaves his body. I get up, the door isn’t completely open but it’s open enough that all the sound is coming out. So, I started to push the door open. And he’s blow-drying his moustache.

Following this incident, The Undertaker made a firm decision to be more selective about his roommates. He refused to share a room unless it was with his friends, The Godfather or Brian Adams.

When Did The Undertaker Start His Podcast?

The Undertaker announced the launch of his podcast on his Instagram story, following this announcement the first episode of his podcast arrived on October 23rd 2023.

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