
The Undertaker Never Thought This WWE Rival Would Become An Executive

The Undertaker WWE

The Undertaker has been surprised by a former rival’s second career.

Former wrestlers moving into backstage roles and management positions is nothing new, even if the results are often mixed. However, while some transitions seem completely natural, think Bryan Danielson and his slow shift into AEW creative, others come a little more from left field.

During a new interview with the Daily Mail, Undertaker was asked whether he ever imagined Triple H and Shawn Michaels would be the two men essentially in charge of all WWE creative. Unsurprisingly, he admitted Triple H might have had an eye on a backstage role, but that isn’t true for the famously — at least in the 1990s — wayward Michaels.

‘Triple H, I would have thought about it, I could see that. But Shawn? Oh Lord, no.’

The Undertaker Not Used To WWE Calm

Having spent the entirety of his WWE career surrounded by Vince McMahon’s chaotic approach to creative, ‘Taker added that things are almost running too smoothly under Triple H. However, he was quick to note that his friend’s calmer approach is clearly working.

“It’s almost too calm for me. I say that because I’m not in it, right? I’m not in the day to day, but there was just always that moment of panic and the sense of urgency and things getting changed last-minute. It was just always a high stress-filled situation, and I go to the shows now and I’m backstage for a minute and all the talent is just so calm and chill and it’s a completely different atmosphere, and they seem to be thriving in it.”

Meanwhile, Sean Waltman also had praise for Triple H, commenting on his ability to play the long game and persevere to get to the top of the company. The WWE Hall of Famer added that he always felt Triple H would take on a management role, given how much Vince McMahon trusted his ideas.