
The Cult Classic Movie Hulk Hogan Claimed He Was Nearly The Star Of

The Cult Classic Movie Hulk Hogan Claimed He Was Nearly The Star Of

WWE Hall of Famer Hulk Hogan made a bold assertion claiming he was approached to play the leading role in the cult classic movie “Highlander.”

Hulk Hogan made this claim during a 2011 appearance on the Howard Stern Show and later reiterated this claim in a response to a fan’s inquiry on X stating:

@JeffPParker yes, turned down lead part in Highlander, little John in Robin Hood Men in Tights and D DAY a movie by Al Ruddy who produced.

Hogan’s statement has been met with scepticism, given his history of making grandiose claims about his career in both wrestling and Hollywood. His alleged involvement in “Highlander” has particularly raised eyebrows, with many questioning the veracity of his assertion.

While Hogan’s larger-than-life persona in the wrestling world has earned him a legion of devoted fans, his credibility in Hollywood storytelling has often been under scrutiny. Despite his popularity in the wrestling ring, Hogan’s ventures into acting have not always been successful. Many of his films did not perform well commercially or critically, further casting doubt on his Hollywood anecdotes.

The “Highlander” role, ultimately played by Christopher Lambert, became iconic and helped cement the film’s status as a cult classic.

What Did Hulk Hogan Say Was The Most Memorable Moment Of His Career?

Hulk Hogan spoke about his most memorable moment from his career and revealed that it was after his 1984 match with the Iron Sheik and won the WWE Championship that his father came to him and told him that he was very proud of him for deciding to choose a career in wrestling rather than finance which he had majored in in college.

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