
The Academy Award Nominated Movie Hulk Hogan Claims He Was Offered The Leading Role In

The Academy Award Nominated Movie Hulk Hogan Claims He Was Offered The Leading Role In
Mandatory Credit: Photo by Rtn/Mediapunch/REX/Shutterstock (9132227a) Hulk Hogan Jan 1996 N a T P E Tv Convention Las Vegas Hulk Hogan

Hulk Hogan disclosed that he had been approached for the lead role in the critically acclaimed 2008 film “The Wrestler”.

In a 2012 interview with Digital Spy, Hulk Hogan revealed that he was offered the script for “The Wrestler” on multiple occasions but declined the opportunity, expressing concerns that his involvement might compromise the film’s credibility. Hogan candidly expressed his reservations, stating:

When the script for The Wrestler kept coming to me I said, ‘This movie is so good if you put me in the film as a wrestler people are going to say, ‘No credibility, Hulk Hogan isn’t a good actor,’ whatever Hollywood thinks of me.’

Hogan’s apprehension stemmed from a desire to uphold the film’s integrity and ensure it received the recognition it deserved. Reflecting on the casting of Mickey Rourke in the lead role, Hogan acknowledged Rourke’s exceptional performance, remarking:

As soon as they put Mickey Rourke in there I knew it had a chance, and he did such a great, great job it relit his career.

However, Hogan’s claim of being offered the starring role in “The Wrestler” has been refuted by the film’s director, Darren Aronofsky. Aronofsky took to social media to clarify that Hogan was never offered the role and that Rourke was always their first choice. This contradiction adds a layer of complexity to Hogan’s narrative, as he has a history of making bold claims about his career that have been met with scepticism.

Despite Hogan’s claims, The Wrestler went on to become a critical success, earning Rourke an Academy Award nomination and revitalising his acting career.

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