
Swerve Strickland Delivers Message After Bloody Match At AEW Full Gear

swerve strickland aew stare

Swerve Strickland had some thoughts following his bloody battle with Adam Page at AEW Full Gear.

One of the most intense rivalries going into AEW Full Gear in Los Angeles was between Swerve Strickland and “Hangman” Adam Page. It was a rivalry that saw Swerve pick up the win in their first match, but the rivalry became a lot more personal going into Full Gear.

Hangman and Swerve would go on to have one of the most violent matches in AEW history under Texas Death Match rules. Swerve bled heavily for nearly the entire match while there was also a grotesque spot where Swerve was dripping blood from his head and Page was underneath him so that Swerve’s blood was pouring into Hangman’s mouth. It was a disgusting visual that clearly grossed out the fans in the building.

The brutality of the match saw many weapons used including a barbed wire steel chair, a barbed wire board and Page used a staple gun to put staples into the body of Swerve as well. Swerve also had help from Brian Cage, but Hangman was able to take him out.

It was a match that went right around 30 minutes with Swerve using a chain around Hangman’s throat and he choked him using the ring post for leverage. The referee administered a ten count, Hangman wasn’t able to get back up and Swerve was announced as the winner of the bloody brawl.

Swerve Strickland Believes He Is Done With “Hangman” Adam Page

While speaking in an AEW Digital Exclusive, a bloody Swerve Strickland spoke about why he thinks his rivalry with Hangman is done.

“You can’t take me to hell. You’re already there. You can’t take me to somewhere I’ve already been and I have real estate in, you son of a bitch. Texas, LA, I don’t care if it’s Seattle, I don’t care if it’s across the globe. I don’t care if we go to the UK and do this again. I own you now, Hangman.”

“After this bulls**t, I own AEW. Everybody in that locker room better f**king fear me. That’s Goddamn right. I’m just getting started in this. Whose house? This is Swerve’s house. No, this is Swerve’s dungeon, and I’m hanging everybody like the executioner that I am. Believe that. Hangman, we better be done because the next time you step into the ring with me, you’re dead.”

On Twitter/X, Swerve Strickland also posted a video of the backstage scene when people were pulling staples out of his body.