
Shane McMahon “Will Hopefully Get Back Soon” To WWE After Injury

Shane McMahon entrance at WrestleMania 39

WWE fans haven’t seen the last of Shane McMahon.

McMahon made a surprise appearance at WrestleMania 39 after The Miz and Snoop Dogg announced the attendance for night two of the event. After some back and forth, McMahon came to the ring, setting up an impromptu match with The Miz.

However, things went off the rails incredibly quickly. After just seconds McMahon tore his quad while performing a leapfrog. With McMahon out of the equation, Snoop stepped up and got the better of Miz to end a truly bizarre segment.

During an appearance on Developmentally Speaking, Shane’s son Declan gave an update on his recovery.

“His rehab’s going very, very well. He’s gotten back to like jogging, squatting, he’s starting to work out again. It’s, getting kind of difficult for him to bend side to side. But his rehab is going really, really well. He’s making phenomenal progress.

So the doctor said all the time that he’s he’s healing quicker than they thought and, you know, when he tore it, he completely tore his quad tendon. So, you know, that’s a very long, hard recovery, but he’s been he’s been crushing rehab. He’s been doing his thing. And he hopefully will get back soon.”

Shane McMahon Expected To Wrestle Again

Declan added that he expects him to return to WWE as he loves the wrestling business too much to walk away.

“So you know, obviously, when you’re his son, you want to see your dad be able to do what they love, right? My dad loves wrestling second to none. I mean, he truly, truly cares for the business. But not only for the business, you know, he truly wants to just put on a show for the fans because the fans show him so much love.

And it’s so rewarding for a lot of those guys just give to those fans who came to see him. So hopefully he comes back better than ever. And I think he will, his rehab is going great.”

Declan McMahon currently attends the University of Indiana, but he’s already got his eye on potentially popping up in WWE. Speaking elsewhere, he said he’ll never rule out getting in the ring.

McMahon was recently shown on television in the crowd at Fastlane.

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