
Sgt. Slaughter Angry With WWE’s Lacey Evans “Selling Sex” Military Gimmick

sgt slaughter lacey evans

The WWE Hall of Famer Sgt. Slaughter is once again voicing his issues with Lacey Evans and her current WWE persona.

When WWE Smackdown star Lacey Evans competes in the ring, she usually wears military-colored gear that shows off her bountiful assets as she does her best to compete in the ring.

While Evans is not being featured that much on Smackdown these days, the company has pushed the fact that she was in the military in the past and did very well while she was there.

Sgt. Slaughter is a former WWE Hall of Famer that was not actually in the military, but he had the most well-known military gimmick in wrestling. For most of his career, Slaughter was an American Hero style character, but he had the greatest success of his career as a heel.

As the Gulf War was taking place between Iraq and Kuwait, WWE decided to turn Slaughter into an Iraqi sympathizer that burned the American flag and said awful things about Americans to get heat from the crowd.

That heel run led to Slaughter winning the WWE Title at Royal Rumble 1991. Two months later, Hulk Hogan beat Slaughter to become WWE Champion again and Slaughter went back to being a American Hero when the angle was done.

For many years after his in-ring career, Slaughter worked for WWE behind the scenes in a number of different roles. However, lately, he has spoken out against Lacey Evans being a military character and using Slaughter’s Cobra Clutch submission move as well.

During a recent interview with Sportskeeda, Sgt. Slaughter criticized Evans again for using sex appeal as part of her military persona.

“I kinda just dropped it. I didn’t watch it [SmackDown] any further. My daughter kinda got a little upset that now she’s coming out with the campaign cover [hat] on and she’s got a big cobra on the front of it, and she’s got her outfit on and showing a lot of cleavage.”

“To me, that’s selling sex. That’s not selling that you’re a tough S.O.B. from the Marine Corps. She should have a t-shirt on and have the combat boots on and have those fatigues on. If you wanna emulate Sgt. Slaughter and you’re from the Marine Corps and you’re a drill instructor, act like one. Be one.”

H/T Sportskeeda

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