
Sgt. Slaughter Recalls Heated Moment With Former WWE Champion

Sgt. Slaughter Recalls Heated Moment With Former WWE Champion

WWE Hall of Famer Sgt. Slaughter opened up in an interview with Inside The Ropes about a confrontation he had with Steve Austin when the Texas Rattlesnake was becoming the top guy in WWE.

Former WWE Champion Sgt. Slaughter was discussing an incident when he was under the role of on-screen WWE Commissioner in 1997 and had several run-ins with Austin when Austin’s character was refusing to listen to authority. After one particular show, Slaughter and Austin saw each other at the hotel.

We did a deal early in the show where I got the Stunner, and there was nothing else I could do in the show so I went back to the hotel. At the hotel there’s this black pick up truck running with the door open and nobody there. I go to walk in and here’s Steve coming out of the hotel. He’s all fired up. He walks by me and hits my shoulder, almost knocking me over. He says ‘Try selling the Stunner next time, will you kid’.

Slaughter then talked about the next time he saw Austin and gave Austin the riot act for being disrespectful to him.

The next day when I saw him I said, ‘How long have you been in the business? Stop with the attitude, you’re not Steve Austin right now, be yourself, I’m talking to you as myself. Don’t you ever do that to me again’. He said ‘I’m sorry Sarge, I’ve got a lot on my mind’ and I told him ‘Well the last thing you want to have on your mind is me because if you do that again you’re gonna have to tell some stories about it from your hospital bed, that’s not the way we do things here’.

Sgt. Slaughter went on to say everything was fine between the two following their bust up, and said he felt Austin couldn’t handle the weight on his shoulders of being the new face of WWE.

From that point on he was OK. He just couldn’t handle the pressure of being the top guy, he was a nervous wreck.

Sgt. Slaughter Recalls Repairing His Relationship With WWE

WWE Hall of Famer Sgt. Slaughter revealed how he made up with Vince McMahon in 1990 following a falling out between the two in 1984, and how this led to his return to the company as an Iraqi sympathiser.

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