
How Roman Reigns Has Raised WWE’s Expectations Of Future Top Stars

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Paul Heyman has sung his charge’s praise many times over the past three years, and now he’s adding a new spin on why Roman Reigns is so special.

Although much of the praise towards Reigns since 2020 has gone towards his improvement in the ring and his historic title reign, there has also been plenty of attention given to his character and acting skills. And it’s that latter point that Paul Heyman decided to zero in on in a recent interview with Rick Rubin.

According to Heyman, Roman Reigns’ acting and ability to sell his character and the whole Bloodline gimmick have been so impressive that he has set new expectations for whosoever comes after him as the next big stars of WWE.

“I think it’s now part of the expectation of a top star to be able to act in that way. Yeah. I think he’s added a dimension to a top star that we didn’t have before.”

Roman Reigns spent many years alternating between gimmicks and personalities on-screen, which led to frustration and in some cases outright hostility from WWE’s fans towards him. However, most if not all of that negativity disappeared once Roman Reigns aligned with Paul Heyman, became a villain, and started his current Bloodline gimmick.

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h/t WrestleTalk for the transcription