
Rob Van Dam Details Physical Altercation With nWo Member’s Wife

Rob Van Dam

Rob Van Dam was left confounded by his confrontation with one WCW star’s wife.

Though both Rob Van Dam and Scott Norton spent years in the world of professional wrestling, the two men had never met prior to the weekend of WrestleMania 30. Speaking on a recent episode of his One of a Kind podcast, RVD detailed meeting Norton at a bar where they were celebrating Diamond Dallas Page’s birthday.

The interaction between Van Dam and Scott Norton started off innocently enough, but Norton’s wife interjected with an incredibly odd question.

“I had never met Scott before. I’m talking to Scott, shook his hand. ‘Nice to meet you.’ ‘Yeah, dude, you were in New Japan when I was at All Japan.’ ‘That’s cool, man, always respected you.’ He’s being cool, ‘Yeah, I know you’re friends with so and so.’ All of a sudden, his wife, for some reason, starts being the biggest c*** to me. I have no idea why. And I’m using that word correctly here because she interrupts, me and Scott are talking, ‘How’s your wife? Did she die yet?’ I’m like, ‘Excuse me?’ She goes, ‘Did your wife die yet?’ ‘No.’ ‘Oh, I thought, okay.’ I have no idea why.”

“She Started Pushing Me And Hitting Me” – Rob Van Dam On Bizarre Interaction With Scott Norton’s Wife

Continuing, Rob Van Dam said he was left incredibly confused by the interaction, and things went from bad to worse when Norton’s wife turned the confrontation into a physical one.

“I’m looking at him and I’m so confused. I’m talking to him and I use my hands when I’m talking. I don’t know what I’m saying, I’m like, ‘Dude, I don’t know where that came from,’ whatever. But my hand bumped her shoulder and she took that as an excuse to defend herself as if she was assaulted.

“So she started going like this and pushing me and hitting me. I grab this b****’s wrist and I just turn it to the outside which twists her and brings her to a submissive fold, shall we say. Then all of a sudden, Scott starts screaming at her, whatever her name is, and he grabbed her and they left.”

Scott Norton confronted Rob Van Dam about the incident the next day at WrestleCon, accusing RVD of being an “a**hole” toward his wife.

“Next day at WrestleCon, I’m at my table signing with fans and Norton from far away goes, ‘Rob, you and me ain’t finished yet.’ I said, ‘Anytime, Scott. I’m right here.’ He comes up to me and goes, ‘Let’s take a walk. We gotta talk.’

“We go over there and he goes, ‘That’s f***** up what happened last night.’ I said, ‘I agree, that’s f***** up what your wife did.’ He said, ‘My wife? She said you were being an a**hole.’ ‘When? When the f*** was I being an a**hole? I didn’t even see her. What the f*** are you talking about?’ ‘She said you were an a**hole and she said your friend was being an a**hole.'”

While Norton was heated about the confrontation, RVD elected to shake his hand and say that he didn’t have a problem with the former nWo member. Norton seemed content and walked away at that time.

Scott Norton Confronted Rob Van Dam Again Years Later

Despite their issue seemingly being squashed, Norton once again approached Rob Van Dam during the weekend of WrestleMania 32 in Dallas, TX. Van Dam detailed being confronted once again at WrestleCon, saying the situation leaves him confused to this day.

“He comes up to me again at WrestleCon and says, I’m paraphrasing, ‘We’ve got some unfinished business to do.’ I said, ‘F****** let’s do it.’ It’s face to face and we’re talking and he’s being aggressive. If I had matched his aggression, no question about it, it would’ve been physical. I could’ve considered myself under attack just by how close he was to my face. And I could tell he’s used to being a bully. He’s used to people being afraid of him.

“Let’s just say I’m not afraid of him. It didn’t seem like fighting was the right thing to do. It seemed like he was being a good husband and sticking up for his wife and believing her. I thought about that, but at the same time, what do you wanna do with this? I don’t understand what’s going on.”

Elsewhere on the podcast, Rob Van Dam spoke about the backstage altercation between CM Punk and Jack Perry that led to Punk being fired from AEW.

h/t WrestlingInc