
Ric Flair To Be The Face Of “Cannabis For Erectile Dysfunction”

Ric Flair

Ric Flair is no stranger to a product endorsement or two and now the WWE Hall of Famer has revealed he will be the face of a line of cannabis products aimed at men suffering from erectile dysfunction.

Comic books, convenience stores, and chicken wings are all products that have featured or been endorsed by Ric Flair over the last few years, and now it’s his venture into the cannabis business with Mike Tyson that is causing a stir…at least, hopefully.

Speaking on Busted Open Radio, AEW star Mark Henry asked about the medical benefits of cannabis and Flair added that while he wasn’t qualified to discuss that, he did reveal he’ll be the face of a line of products aimed at men suffering from erectile dysfunction:

“My line drops here in Florida where you still have to have a medical card to get it. As far as going and lecturing and talking about it, no. I’m not that knowledgeable; there’s a lot to learn about cannabis. They’re going to have a cannabis for erectile dysfunction, and guess who will be the face of that? Wooooo!”

Ric Flair recently had his say on The Elite’s wrestling future and says he thinks the current AEW Trios Champions should make the move to WWE.

h/t Fightful