
Randy Orton Followed By Federales After Dynamite Prank

Randy Orton laughing during the WWE Hall of Fame 2022

Randy Orton. Dynamite. Wrestlers on tour. What could possibly go wrong?

While he’s taken on the role of WWE’s chilled-out uncle in recent years, Randy Orton was a different man during his younger years.

Orton’s attitude and wild child antics almost got him fired, and he’s recently admitted he wouldn’t have survived as a young star in 2024.

During an appearance on “What Do You Wanna Talk About” with Cody Rhodes, Orton reminisced on a surreal incident from a WWE tour in Mexico in 2007.

“Were you there in Mexico?” Randy asked. “The federales were after me, Paul London, and Brian Kendrick. We jumped in a taxi. They were quarter sticks of dynamite. You can buy it down there in Tijuana. I ditched the last stick under the bus that was taking us to the venue the next day. We jumped in the taxi and we were followed the entire time by the federales.

Paul London spoke a little bit of Spanish, and he was like, ‘Guys, guys, the cops are following us.’ He talked to the driver and he’s saying, ‘Take them here.’ I was dying. Looking back now, he could have been really ribbing the hell out of us.

We ended up making it back, and the next day, we’re loading the buses up. I look under the bus, quarter stick is right there. ‘Oh, save that for later.’ I think that’s the one that blew up in the atrium of the hotel.”

Randy Orton Proud Of WWE Star

During the same conversation, Randy Orton explained why he’s so proud of Cody Rhodes for the career he’s built. The Viper said it took “balls” for Rhodes to leave WWE back in 2016 before reinventing himself and eventually returning in 2022.

Orton said he couldn’t have done what Rhodes did, adding he’s legitimately proud of the path he’s taken.

H/t to Fightful