
Perry Saturn Discusses Having A “Huge Problem” With A Former WWE Champion

Perry Saturn Discusses Having A

Former WWE and WCW star Perry Saturn opened up about his challenging experiences facing Matt and Jeff Hardy in WWE.

In an appearance on “Wrestling Shoot Interviews,” Perry Saturn detailed the difficulties he and his tag team partner, Dean Malenko, encountered while working with the Hardy Boyz. Saturn candidly discussed the friction that arose, particularly with Matt Hardy.

Actually, Matt Hardy, me, and Dean [Malenko] had a huge problem with him too.

Saturn revealed. He recounted an incident where Matt complained to WWE Chairman Vince McMahon, alleging that Saturn was being overly physical during their matches. This complaint stemmed from the close relationship the Hardys had with Michael Hayes, with whom they often planned their match strategies.

In WWF he went to Vince [McMahon] to complain that I was beating them up every night. They were very tight with Michael Hayes and they would get together at night and set up the next day’s matches.

Saturn explained that both he and Malenko felt excluded from these plans, which caused significant frustration.

Dean had more time in the ring than all of us, and both of us told him [Matt], ‘Don’t do that. You got to let us fu**ing in on what’s going on.’ And I would tell him, ‘You got to give Dean the respect.’ To not tell him what we’re doing, and they would do it and do it and do it, and then that was it.

To address the issue, Perry Saturn adopted a unique approach during their tag matches. When Matt Hardy entered the ring, Saturn would immediately cut him off, limiting his offensive moves and reducing his involvement in the match. Saturn expressed regret over this tactic, acknowledging that the situation could have been handled more constructively by both sides.

Jeff, I’d bump all over the place for, then Matt would come in and I cut him off. They could have handled it better and so could have we.

Which Other Former WWE Star Besides Perry Saturn Also Had Heat With Matt Hardy?

Besides Perry Saturn Matt Hardy spoke about how he and WWE Hall of Famer Jeff Jarrett have heat with each other. Hardy spoke about how an issue stemming from a match at a Wrestlecade event left bad blood between the two but despite this, they have worked together in AEW amicably.

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