
More On Triple H Being Unhappy With Returning WWE Stars

Triple H smiling

A new update has elaborated on earlier reports that suggested Triple H felt disappointed in some of the stars he had brought back to WWE.

Beginning in 2020, WWE underwent an ongoing slashing of roster numbers to levels unseen before in the company. These had been put down to budget reasons but with Triple H in charge, the company began to bring many of these stars back into the fold.

WrestleVotes has reported that Triple H and other higher-ups in the company have been left “underwhelmed” by some of the returning stars:

“I’m told a handful of talent brought back in the “rehiring wave” over the summer have underperformed and severely underwhelmed Triple H & others since returning to the company.”

Now a report from Fightful Select has cast doubt on that assertion. Their new report notes that a longtime WWE employee said that after the initial report emerged it had been “severely downplayed” within the company. While a source also stated that they didn’t believe a comment like that is something Triple H would ever “say out loud” even if he did believe it.

A member of the creative team noted that none of the stars brought back by WWE were expected to leap to the top of the card, given that the main event scene had already been planned out. While another source noted that Triple H placed an emphasis on strength in depth when it came to the roster on Raw and SmackDown and this was even told to several of the returning stars.

The Elimination Chamber saw several of these stars given a chance to shine and the performances of Johnny Gargano and Bronson Reed were noted by another source as “showing their value when given an opportunity.”