
MJF Praises FTR As Best Tag Team In The World (VIDEO)

aew ftr tag team champions

Following a competitive championship match on AEW Collision, MJF praised FTR for being the best tag team in pro wrestling.

The main event of AEW Collision in Hartford saw FTR’s Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler defend the AEW Tag Team Titles against the winners of the Blind Eliminator Tag Team Tournament, the AEW World Champion Maxwell Jacob Friedman (MJF) and Adam Cole…bay bay.

It was yet another incredible AEW Tag Team Title defense for FTR. The finish saw FTR going for a Shatter Machine on Cole, but MJF pushed Cole out of the way. MJF wanted a Heatseeker DDT. However, Dax Harwood was in the right spot to do an O’Connor roll pin attempt on MJF sitting on top (and perhaps with a little holding of the tights) for the pinfall win. It was a rare sight to see MJF get pinned like that.

After the match, MJF was upset about losing and said that he lost it. Adam Cole tried to cheer him up saying he’s the AEW World Champion and Cole loves him. MJF teased attacking Cole with the AEW World Title, but he couldn’t do it. Instead, MJF hugged Cole and the fans cheered them for it. There was no post match attack by MJF.

Following AEW Collision, the cameras kept rolling as AEW uploaded a video of MJF praising FTR as the best tag team in the world.

“There was a group; it was called The Pinnacle. I think it’s fair to say we had, as a group, a whole lot more left in the tank. Unfortunately, things didn’t go the way we wanted it to. That was because, at the time, I was too arrogant to realize just how great FTR is,” Max said. “I’ll make no bones about it. Me and Cash, at one point in time, you and I got along.”

“Me and [Dax]… But I gotta tell you, after tonight, sure, we’ve got some differences. I’m in New York yuppie. You’re a real Southern. You hit hard. I do eye pokes. I’m old money, you’re new money, but if there’s one thing that I can say we have in common, it’s that we love professional wrestling.”

“Tonight, whether it means anything to you or not, the AEW World Champion wanted to see you and you. Now more than ever, it is apparent you two are the best tag team in the world. I don’t want to hear about Collision vs. Dynamite. I don’t want to hear about kaboomers vs. colliders. At the end of the day, what this sport needed was an alternative, and that’s why this company was made.”

MJF would go on to say they were all on Team AEW…until 2024, which was his way of alluding to the MJF free agency storyline. They went on to have tequila and pizza with the fans cheering them.

How Long Have FTR Been AEW Tag Team Champions?

The FTR team of Harwood and Wheeler are two-time AEW Tag Team Champions. Their current reign started on the April 5th edition of Dynamite when they beat The Gunns. This was also around the time when it was announced that the team was staying in AEW on new contracts rather than going somewhere else.

This title reign has lasted longer than FTR’s first title run, which only lasted 63 days in 2020. Right now, FTR’s title reign is over 100 days and counting.