
Mercedes Moné Compares AEW Debut To WWE Hall Of Famer Reaction

Mercedes Mone entrance on AEW Dynamite

Mercedes Mone loved her AEW debut so much that she said it made her feel like one of the biggest names in wrestling history.

The official All Elite Wrestling debut of Mercedes Mone took place at AEW Big Business from Boston. The woman formerly known as Sasha Banks in WWE showing up in AEW wasn’t exactly a total surprise since AEW teased it heavily, but it was still a great moment for her and the fans in her hometown.

During her show opening promo, Mercedes Mone spoke confidently about her place in the pro wrestling business. She spoke about being a leader, being part of a revolution (the WWE Women’s “evolution”), making history and wanting to do that in AEW as well.

At the end of Dynamite, Mercedes Mone saved a former opponent Willow Nightingale from a two-on-one attack from TBS Champion Julia Hart and Skye Blue. Mone celebrated to the end the show.

It was clear that the fans in Boston loved seeing Mercedes in an AEW ring. From the moment her catchy “CEO” theme song hit, the fans were into everything she did and chanted along with the song every time they heard it.

Mercedes Mone Felt Like “Stone Cold” Steve Austin

While talking to Variety, Mercedes said that the reaction from the fans made her feel like WWE’s most popular wrestler ever, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin.

“It was unbelievable. I still haven’t gotten to take everything in yet, but my heart was just pounding out of my chest. Once I heard the beat drop in the music and the ‘CEO’ chants were on the screens, and then they revealed the ‘Mercedes Moné’ name, that eruption was so electric. I felt so cool. I felt like Stone Cold Steve Austin, when fans just lift up all their signs and stand up with their arms raised. I felt so cool. It was the best feeling in the world.”

The next AEW appearance for Mercedes Mone has been announced for the March 20th edition of Dynamite in Toronto.