Matt Hardy Names Famous WWE Match That Led To Jeff Hardy Getting Very Upset
Matt Hardy has recalled the very memorable WWE match that led to Jeff Hardy getting angry when he messed up a spot that was very difficult to do.
The Hardy Boyz tag team of Matt & Jeff Hardy are considered by many people to be one of the best tag teams in wrestling after spending most of their careers in WWE as well as other promotions like Impact Wrestling/TNA, ROH, AEW and others. While Jeff is currently out of action due to rehab, Matt is a regular in AEW after celebrating 30 years as a pro wrestler in 2022.
On a recent “Ask Matt Anything” episode of the Extreme Life of Matt Hardy podcast, Matt was asked about the angriest that Jeff got during a match. For his answer, Matt recalled the WrestleMania 17 TLC match involving the Hardys, Edge & Christian and The Dudley Boyz that is considered a wrestling classic.
“One thing that really shows Jeff’s passion and one of the times I’ve seen him get the most upset in his career is we’re doing the WrestleMania match, the TLC, and he had a spot that he called the frogger spot. And he’d went over it several times earlier in the day, it’s where there were three ladders, set up next to one another, and he’s walking across the ladders.”
“And he literally wanted to do like Frogger and like, step on one ladder, step on the second ladder, step on third ladder, and then go over the titles. And he fell down in the midst of doing this. And when he got down, you can see him put the ladder up and he was cursing and he got hot. And it was one of the first times I’d ever seen Jeff So visibly upset, especially in the midst of a match.”
“That is the most upset I can ever remember him being in obviously it wasn’t anyone else, it was just himself because he didn’t do this. But what he was trying to do was insane in the first place. So it was really cool to see that he had that passion because usually Jeff is just the coolest cat in the room and doesn’t sell anything.”
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