Kurt Angle Names The Top Moment From His Career
After such a storied and successful career, Kurt Angle has finally narrowed down and identified what he considers his greatest moment.
Kurt Angle’s career spanned twenty years, with his two longest tenures being his eight-year WWE run from 1998 to 2006 and then his ten-year TNA run from 2006 to 2016. During both stints, Angle did basically everything asked of him. He lived up to his reputation as a wrestling machine, he did comedy, he was a hero, he was a villain, and whatever was asked of him, he fulfilled. Kurt Angle excelled as both a singles wrestler and as a tag wrestler, and to this day many fans regard him as one of the best wrestlers ever and perhaps the fastest learner in modern history.
But while most people remember him for his great matches, Angle himself thinks his promos and non-wrestling segments rank a bit higher. Speaking on his Kurt Angle Show podcast, Angle chose his Milk Truck segment with the Alliance as his #1 career moment.
“That’s my number one moment in WWE or anywhere, any wrestling promotion I’ve been a part of. The milk truck incident was the coolest thing in the world. I was so grateful that Brian Gewirtz came up with that idea.”
“He copied Stone Cold’s beer truck incident, and it was excellent. I really loved it and dowsing down Stone Cold Steve Austin and Stephanie with milk was the coolest thing in the world. I mean, I had the whole Alliance in that ring and I’m spraying them down with milk.”
h/t Inside The Ropes for the transcription.