Kurt Angle Names Favorite Segment Of WWE Career
Kurt Angle has recalled the segment that he loved more than anything else he did in his WWE career – and it wasn’t even a match!
When it comes to legendary moments in his WWE career from 1999 to 2006, Kurt Angle could pick a lot of things as his favorite moments.
As a five-time WWE World Champion that had some of the best matches in wrestling history, a guy like Kurt Angle could pick a title win or a special match as his favorite moment. Instead, Angle is going with the “Milk-o-Mania” moment from Raw!
The August 20, 2001 edition of WWE Monday Night Raw saw Steve Austin in the ring with The Alliance for “Steve Austin Appreciation Night.” However, there was an interruption when Kurt Angle showed up driving a milk truck to the ring.
Angle grabbed a hose and sprayed milk all over The Alliance (with Steve Austin right in front) while the fans were cheering loudly.
On a recent episode of the Kurt Angle Show, Kurt was answering questions from the fans when he was asked for his moment and picked the milk truck moment.
“I’m going to tell you this right now. It wasn’t a wrestling segment. It was the milk truck!”
“Dousing down ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin and Stephanie McMahon with milk, and The Alliance, it was the best feeling in the world. I was on cloud nine that night.”

That memorable milk truck moment was a parody of when Steve Austin drove a beer truck to the ring and sprayed beer on Vince McMahon, The Rock and Shane McMahon in 1999, which the fans also loved. Angle said that Austin being part of the milk segment made it that much more special.
“It was one of those things – you remember when Austin did the beer truck? It was the same thing. It was an incredible moment, and the great thing was it was tied to ‘Stone Cold.'”