John Cena Finally Explains His Actions On WWE Raw
John Cena made it clear to the WWE Universe that it was their fault that he changed.
After 16 days of silence, John Cena appeared on WWE Monday Night Raw in Brussels, Belgium to address the world about what he did at Elimination Chamber.
At the WWE Elimination PLE in Toronto, John Cena won the Men’s Elimination Chamber match to earn an Undisputed WWE Title match against Cody Rhodes at WrestleMania 41. After the match, Cody refused to “sell his soul” to The Rock (aka The Final Boss), but Cena had no problem doing it because he low-blowed Cody. After the kick by Cena, he was booed heavily and Cena joined Rock and Travis Scott in bloodying Rhodes.
Since then, Cena hasn’t appeared on WWE television due to movie commitments, but his highly anticipated explanation started Raw in Brussels.
The crowd in Brussels was very loud during John Cena’s appearance on Raw with dueling “Let’s Go Cena” and “Cena Sucks” chants during his speech while there were also chants of “Shut the f**k up” as well.
Cena said when somebody is properly grounded in life, they shouldn’t have to look outside themselves for approval. Cena said that for 25 years he was the victim of an abusive relationship and he told the fans that they had lost their time to talk. Cena said that all you do is be hurtful, be abusive and you made Cena a damn puppet while expecting him to do it with a smile on his face, so Cena said “No more.” There were “F**k you Cena” chants, so Cena said that was classy and thank you.
That’s when Cena made a bold statement: “I am not a babyface. I’m not a heel. I’m a human being.” Cena claimed that the fans have been awful to him. Cena told the fans that he changed himself and it worked for a second, but it wasn’t enough. Cena said that he worked hard, he started to win and win and win and win and he kept saying “win” several more times. Cena said that he won a lot and you hated it. Cena talked about spending the next 10 years of his life giving everything he could and it wasn’t enough. The fans chanted “shut the f**k up” at him.
Cena said that in his final moments, the only thing he can do is walk away. The fans cheered that a bit so Cena said that’s a great example because the fans cheered that. Cena said that he said one last time he tried to say goodbye the right way by telling us when he was done. Cena complained that it was never enough. The fans chanted “Na na na hey hey goodbye” while Cena said these idiots are proving his point with every breath. Cena said no matter what he does, it is never enough and you should be ashamed of yourselves.
According to Cena, all the fans ever do is take and only care about themselves. Cena said that you look like him (referencing fans wearing Cena merchandise) and he doesn’t look like you. Cena said you won’t get a new song because your time is up and Cena’s time is finally now. Cena said that you can look in the mirror to see how awful you have been to him for 25 years. The fans were chanting “We Want Cody” for the Undisputed WWE Champion.
After the crowd chanted for Cody, Cena said Cody is your brand new shiny toy because you’re about to put this one out to pasture. Cena said that you’re proving that you are awful people.
Cena said you wear his merch to feel good while Cena lives hustle, loyalty, and respect every day. Cena said he is the definition of “never give up” and perseverance and every person here knows it. Cena said that you use him as an excuse for your pathetic life. Cena said all you do is sit on your ass and watch Cena be great. Cena said that you’re all part of a toxic, dysfunctional relationship so the fans chanted “Shut the f**k up” at him.
As he continued to make his point Cena said he is breaking up with all of you whether you like him or you don’t – you are dumped. Cena claimed there is nothing you can do because you know he is right and you know that you are wrong.
Cody Rhodes Confronts John Cena
The Undisputed WWE Champion Cody Rhodes interrupted Cena, much to the delight of the fans who were tired of Cena insulting them.
Cody said that the fans may have given you your worst, but they gave you their best for 25 years and they did that because Cena was special. Cody said that they did it because Cena could take it and he could carry it. Cena called him “kid” and Cody said: “It’s certainly not kid…it’s WWE Champion.”
That’s when Cody said that if this Cena comes to WrestleMania then Cody will run it over and he will retire Cena early. Cody told Cena to go find “John Cena” because he wants to wrestle him at WrestleMania, not this whiny bitch. That’s when Cody left the ring to applause from the fans.
John Cena dropped his microphone in the ring and left. The fans were singing “na na na hey hey goodbye” at Cena, who stared at them. Before Cena made his way to the back, he turned his head to the left while the fans booed him. Cena turned his head forward and walked to the back.
This entire segment lasted for the first 32 minutes of Raw. John Cena and Cody Rhodes are both being promoted for WWE Raw next Monday, March 24th in Glasgow, Scotland as well.