
Jim Ross Praises MJF-Regal AEW Dynamite Promo: “Absolute Money”

mjf william regal aew dynamite

Legendary wrestling announcer Jim Ross is among the many people praising a recent MJF-William Regal promo segment with JR labeling it as “absolute money.”

William Regal was set to be interviewed Tony Schiavone on the October 18th episode of AEW Dynamite, but before Regal could really get into it, there was an interruption from Maxwell Jacob Friedman aka MJF.

It led to MJF telling a lengthy story about how he tried to get a job with WWE when he was just 19 years old and Regal was a key guy in that company that could have hired him. MJF even went on to share a harsh email that Regal sent him that really angered MJF. Regal fired back with his own retort as a legendary wrestling villain while MJF is currently one of the best bad guys in wrestling even though he is getting cheered more often these days.

The segment was immediately a major hit among the wrestling community with AEW announcer Jim Ross praising it heavily on a recent episode of his Grillin JR podcast. JR put over Regal for being a valuable asset that shined in that promo with MJF.

“He and MJF’s promo was as good as I’ve heard in years. That’s going through the Attitude Era and the whole nine yards. I was really, really proud of both guys. Regal’s facial expressions are priceless. Sometimes he doesn’t have to say one single word, and you know exactly what he’s thinking in the lay of the land. He’s been a valuable asset and addition to the AEW team, and I thought he helped make MJF, which is the goal. I mean, MJF has the rocket ship tied to him, and one would think it’ll just be a matter of time until he’s the kingpin. The match is booked now with Moxley and MJF, and I’m kind of glad they did it this way because we now have a main event for the next pay-per-view and the right guy is being chauffeured to the top. You’ve gotta do that.”

The WWE Hall of Famer known in wrestling by some simply as JR continued his praise for the segment while calling it a “piece of art” among other things.

“I thought that promo was absolute money, especially when you consider they did it without a writer. They didn’t have a script, they didn’t memorize their lines, ‘You say this, you pause, I’ll say that, then I’ll pause. Then we’ll look at each other, and you’ll blink, then I’ll blink.’ F**k, is that it? Really? That’s your instincts? I just thought those guys did as good of an in-ring promo I can remember hearing. I’m sure I’ve heard others that impacted me as much, but that was a piece of art. That was a historic promo that we’ll look back on someday and say this was the launching pad because I don’t know if MJF is really a babyface or a heel right now. They couldn’t have done any better, and I’m proud of both of those guys.”

AEW really liked the video as well because instead of just posting a short clip, they posted the whole 14:26 segment on their Youtube channel and it has reached nearly 1 million views.

As for the future, MJF faces Jon Moxley for the AEW World Title at AEW Full Gear on November 19th.