Jim Cornette Slams Dave Meltzer’s AEW Star Ratings – “Doesn’t This Kill His Credibility?”
Double Or Nothing 2023 was a big night of action for AEW and some of the matches at the event even received critical acclaim from the Wrestling Observer’s Dave Meltzer – something Jim Cornette has taken issue with.
Of course star ratings are merely subjective but some fans put a lot of stock into Meltzer’s ratings given his tenure reviewing matches. Some fans were surprised to see that Meltzer awarded Anarchy In The Arena five stars and while it may not have been a technical masterpiece, for fans of out-and-out carnage, it may have been the perfect match.
Speaking on the Jim Cornette Experience, the wrestling veteran slammed Dave Meltzer’s decision to award Anarchy In The Arena at Forbidden Door five stars:
“How does he justify it, a f*cking mess where nobody even exhibited any wrestling talent because there was no wrestling to the thing.
“Exploding f*cking sneakers, god damn people falling over each other like drunks on a Saturday night all around the arena. Phony-looking sh*t everywhere in a match. You can’t have a five-star match with phony-looking sh*t in it. Sorry. Case closed. Call me irresponsible.
“Complete chaos for thirty f*cking minutes, you can send anyone out there and tell them “Go have a f*cking garbage match for thirty minutes.” It’s all gonna look the same.
“He knows that’s not five stars, that’s not the greatest match of all time, that’s not perfection. What that is, is his friends are in it and he doesn’t want to hurt their feelings. Because they would never forget and they would pout and they might not talk to him anymore, not to give him scoops just to talk to him, tell him how much they like him, if he was actually honest and told the truth.”
Jim Cornette also had something to say about Meltzer’s rating for the four-way match between MJF, Sammy Guevara, Darby Allin, and Jack Perry for the AEW World Championship. Meltzer awarded that bout 4.75 stars which puts it up there with some of the all-time great bouts in history:
“Good lord, doesn’t this kill the credibility of anything he’s trying to do? When, okay that was a fine example of modern four way gibberish alright and MJF’s great and nobody broke anybodies leg accidentally, but your telling me that that’s almost at the level again of a Flair and Steamboat.”