
Jake Roberts Shares Why He Thinks A WWE Hall Of Famer Was One Of The Best Babyfaces

Jake Roberts Shares Why He Thinks A WWE Hall Of Famer Was One Of The Best Babyfaces

WWE Hall of Famer Jake Roberts recently expressed his deep respect for fellow Hall of Famer Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat, labelling him as one of the finest babyfaces in professional wrestling history.

During a recent episode of his podcast, “The Snake Pit”, Jake Roberts discussed what set Steamboat apart from others in the business, focusing on his unmatched ability to sell in the ring.

The art of selling, he could sell better than just about anybody. He’s right there with Ricky Morton as far as selling goes.

Roberts stated that Steamboat was placed alongside another legendary name in wrestling history. Ricky Morton, part of the Rock ‘n’ Roll Express, is widely regarded as one of the top sellers in the business, highlighting the high regard Roberts holds for Steamboat. However, Roberts noted that Steamboat’s skill set was not limited to just his selling abilities.

It’s just that he had all the pieces, and he put them together really well.

He went on to emphasise Steamboat’s impressive physical condition and his natural charisma in the ring.

He looked great, he was always tanned naturally, but his body was in great physical condition.

In addition to his aesthetics, Steamboat’s endurance and versatility earned Roberts’ praise.

He could go as long as you needed to, and he was just a really solid performer.

Steamboat’s career, which spanned from the 1970s through the 2000s, included numerous championships and memorable feuds, including iconic matches against Ric Flair and his legendary WrestleMania III bout against Randy Savage.

Which Fellow WWE Hall Of Famer Did Jake Roberts Say Was The Worst Smelling?

Jake Roberts recalled how fellow WWE Hall of Famer Vader was the worst-smelling wrestler, Roberts said that Vader’s odour was like “baby puke.” Roberts also spoke about how King Kong Bundy’s wrestling boots were also offensive in their stench, so much so that the Road Warriors took his boots, sprayed lighter fluid on them and set them on fire.

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