
Jake Roberts Recalls First Meeting With The Undertaker In WWE: “He Was In Pretty Bad Shape”

Jake Roberts Recalls First Meeting With The Undertaker In WWE:

WWE Hall of Famer Jake Roberts shared a captivating account of his early encounters with fellow Hall of Famer The Undertaker, detailing their bond and his influence on The Deadman’s career.

In a 2012 interview with “,” Jake Roberts reminisced about The Undertaker’s arrival in WWE and their budding friendship. Roberts began with a heartfelt expression of admiration, saying:

I love the guy, number one.

He went on to highlight his pivotal role during The Undertaker’s formative years, stating:

Number two, I was there when he first got in there in the WWE.

Roberts recounted a memorable exchange that showcased their camaraderie.

He comes to me, he says, ‘Hey, I hear you know where all the good strip joints are at.’ And I’m like, ‘In the world, yes. I know them all.’ And he’s like, ‘Well, I’ll travel with you!’ And I said, ‘Oh boy, why don’t you go back to playing basketball because you’re not gonna be able to hang with me,’ and I said, ‘I’ll kill ya.’

Roberts also revealed a concerning episode involving The Undertaker’s health.

A few weeks later, I believe he was in pretty bad shape—something about alcohol poisoning. Yeah, it was a chemical world, and I was cheating, man. He didn’t know it. I wasn’t gonna tell him!

Despite the rough times, Roberts emphasised the enduring friendship they developed.

He rolled with me for quite a while. We’re great friends, and I’d like to think that I helped him more.

In a poignant reflection on their bond, Roberts expressed confidence in his influence on The Undertaker’s career.

I think if you asked him, he’d tell you the same, that he learned a lot from me.

What Brutal Aftermath Of A Bar Brawl Did Jake Roberts Recall?

Jake Roberts recalled the brutal aftermath of a bar brawl involving WWE Hall of Famer the late Sika Anoa’i. Roberts spoke about how Anoa’i, after hitting a man during an altercation in a rooftop bar, ended up with the man’s teeth embedded in his fist for days before realising what they were.