
Jake Roberts Reveals Huge Disparity On Hulk Hogan WWE Shows

Jake Roberts Unveils Disparity On Shows Involving Hulk Hogan
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The 1980s marked a pivotal era for the WWE, as it underwent a significant transformation characterised by a strategic national expansion, ultimately revolutionising the professional wrestling landscape.

Under the visionary leadership of Vince McMahon, the WWE embarked on an ambitious journey to expand its reach beyond its traditional regional strongholds. During this transformative period, Hulk Hogan played a crucial role in propelling the company’s popularity into the mainstream, solidifying his status as a household name.

However, it’s important to acknowledge the substantial contributions of other influential figures, notably Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts, who emerged as one of the prominent names in the ‘golden era’ of professional wrestling.

Despite this, in a recent episode of his podcast, Roberts discussed the disparities in earnings on shows featuring Hulk Hogan…

“Yeah, I’ve seen the payoffs and how different they were. And you know what’s so amazing about it is, I’d be on sell-out crowds. You could be in the same town and sell out the same numbers as Hogan did when he was there, but your money would still be short. I have no idea why. But that’s one thing we’d do. [Hogan was making] a lot fu**ing more than we were.”

Speculations about the scrapped Jake Roberts/Hulk Hogan feud down to an unforeseen crowd reaction during a taped segment. Reports indicate that the encounter led to Roberts garnering a larger response from the audience than Hogan. This is said to have ultimately contributed to the abandonment of the proposed feud.

Eric Bischoff Talks About The Real Hulk Hogan

The relationship between Hulk Hogan and former WCW President Eric Bischoff goes back many decades. Eric Bischoff talked about how common narrative bears little resemblance to the Hulk Hogan he knows. This revelation contrasts with how many fans and the media have portrayed Hogan since his heyday in the 1980s.

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