
MVP Says You’d Have To Be An Idiot Not To Make Money With Forgotten WWE Star

MVP cuts a promo in WWE

MVP thinks WWE is leaving money on the table.

After guiding Bobby Lashley to the WWE Championship on two occasions and leading the Hurt Business, MVP aligned with Omos, turning his back on the star. Over the next two years, Omos sat under MVP’s learning tree, although he’s found on-screen appearances hard to come by for much of 2023 and 2024.

Despite this, Omos was a regular at live events, but he hasn’t wrestled at all since competing in the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal in April.

During an appearance at a K&S WrestleFest virtual signing, MVP recalled being told he was going to be paired with Omos after his run with Lashley. The star added that he’s unsure what plans WWE has for Omos, commenting that you’re an “idiot” if you can’t make money with him.

“When Vince called me and Bobby in the office, he said, ‘Hey guys, I want to split you guys up. Bobby, I want you to be a standalone star now. MVP, I want to put you with Omos. I want you to do for Omos what you did for Bobby.’ Those were Vince’s words. ‘Okay.’ I’m not happy about this, but I look forward to the task.

Omos has such a huge heart. Literally and figuratively. He really wants to learn, wants to get better. He was an open book. Coachable. We weren’t on TV a lot, but we were on all the live events. I got to watch him week in and week out improve and get better.

I talked to Triple H about how he was being used, and Triple H was adamant that he didn’t want him to be another Big Show. He didn’t want him on TV every week. He wanted him to be an attraction and wanted to break him out periodically. I don’t know what his status is now.

I don’t know what they plan on doing with him, but if you can’t take a legitimate 7-foot 3-inch, 385 pounds….if you can’t make money with a 7-foot 3-inch, 385-pound former basketball player that can move. You don’t see him move a lot because they don’t want him to. When he wants to move, you’d be surprised how well that big man can move.

If you can’t make money with that then you’re just an idiot,”

WWE Should Have Done More With Bobby Lashley

During the same signing, MVP said WWE could have more out of Bobby Lashley before he left the company. The two-time WWE Champion is a free agent after allowing his contract to expire, although he’s expected to return to the ring.

MVP said that despite Lashley being 48 years old, he was more than capable of helping younger stars on his way out.

“If you’re trying to make these new guys, Bobby, on his way out, is somebody you should still keep.”

MVP added that Lashley still looks better than anyone on the roster and has plenty to offer.

H/t to Fightful