
Hulk Hogan Wants “Trumpamania” To Run Wild On America

Hulk Hogan Said Got Him

Hulk Hogan is all kinds of fired-up.

On July 18th, it was announced that Hulk Hogan would be speaking at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

At the convention, WWE Hall of Famer Donald Trump officially accepted the nomination to run as the Republican Party’s presidential candidate in the 2024 elections.

Trump has a lengthy association with WWE and the McMahon family going back to the 1980s, with Trump’s facilities hosting two WrestleManias. Trump went on to shave McMahon’s head bald at WrestleMania 23 before making further appearances on Raw in 2009.

Meanwhile, Linda McMahon served in Trump’s cabinet as the leader of the Small Business Administration from 2017 to 2019.

Hulk Hogan Endorses “Hero” Donald Trump

In a wild speech that began with the WWE Hall of Famer in full ‘Hulk Hogan mode,’ the star referenced competing at Madison Square Garden, slamming Andre The Giant, and teaming with Macho Man Randy Savage.

An increasingly fired-up Hogan then removed his jacket and tore off his shirt to reveal a “Trump-Vance” vest declaring that “enough was enough” and it was time to let “Trumpamania rule again.”

Now missing two layers of clothing, Hogan addressed the crowd as “Terry Bollea,” declaring that America never had it so good as during Trump’s previous term in office. But he couldn’t resist delivering another pro-wrestling-laden promo to finish.