
Hulk Hogan Recalls Being Terrified Of A WWE Hall Of Famer: “I Used To Puke On The Way To Shows”

Hulk Hogan Recalls Being Terrified Of A WWE Hall Of Famer:

WWE Hall of Famer Hulk Hogan opened up about the intense fear he felt during his early career when facing the legendary Andre the Giant.

In an interview with “The Voice Versus,” Hulk Hogan revealed the physical anxiety he experienced knowing he had to confront the towering Andre.

Andre the Giant beat me up every day for the first eight years. I was so nervous I used to puke on the way to the building.

Hogan confessed. This raw admission highlights the overwhelming intimidation Andre commanded in the ring. In those initial years, Hogan described himself as just another young wrestler who lacked a deep understanding of the wrestling business.

For those first few years of knowing Andre, I was just another kid who didn’t understand this business.

The Hulkster’s early encounters with Andre were a harsh learning experience that underscored his naivety in the industry. However, Hogan’s perspective began to shift as he gained more respect and knowledge about professional wrestling.

Then, after eight years, we became friends. He even started to like me.

Hogan explained. This transformation in their relationship marked a significant turning point in his career. Hogan went on to praise Andre’s dedication to wrestling, noting:

He loved this business. And he protected it.

This mutual respect and camaraderie between the two wrestlers enabled them to create some of the most memorable matches in WWE history, including their iconic clash at WrestleMania III.

What Did Hulk Hogan Say About Running To Become The United States President?

Hulk Hogan said he would volunteer to run to become the U.S. President, Hogan said that the country needs someone in office with “common sense” and that he is the man for the job, either that or he said he would take over the Vice Presidency role.

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