
Hulk Hogan Leaves Fans Crying As WWE Icon Walks Out

Hulk Hogan

Hulk Hogan left his fans disappointed and children in tears as the WWE Hall of Famer walked out of an event with no explanation.

Following his appearance on Raw’s Netflix debut where Hulk Hogan was booed out of the building, you might think Hogan could use all the support he could get.

That’s why some might be surprised that Hulk Hogan left children in tears after he left a recent appearance early. News 12 reported that Hogan’s meet and greet as part of his Real American Beer promotional tear turned sour as the star left early with plenty of people still waiting in line.

Hulk Hogan Leaves Children In Tears

One attendee, Robert Taylor, described the scene and how his son was left in tears while others screamed and cursed when they realised they wouldn’t get to meet Hulk Hogan:

It was an exciting day, especially for my son. They said he could only see up to number 200, and we were 185. They just stood up and bolted along the back. Some lady was very upset, screaming and cursing. My son just started crying, and a bunch of other kids were crying.

If he had to leave, he could’ve walked down and shaken people’s hands and said, ‘Hey, I’m sorry we have to get going,’ rather than just leaving people stranded.