
Gunther Delighted Another WWE Star Got Bash In Berlin Moment

Gunther celebrates at Bash In Berlin

Gunther is a very happy man.

At Bash In Berlin Gunther continued his feud with Randy Orton with a typically hard-hitting encounter. When all was said and done it was the World Heavyweight Champion who retained the gold, but by the final bell, Orton had earned his respect and a handshake.

Although he was born in Austria, Gunther spent much of his early career in Germany so he was a huge favourite with the crowd. The star was cheered from the rafters from the second his music sounded, and things were sent into overdrive when Ludwig Kaiser took over the introductions from Samantha Irvin.

During an interview with the Gorilla Position, Gunther said it was great to see Kaiser get his moment in front of his home crowd even though he didn’t have a match on the show.

Um, yeah (emotions were high seeing Ludwig Kaiser doing the introduction for me at Bash in Berlin). Of course, I was very happy to see that. Also the reaction he got from the audience. Because he’s their guy. I’m not the German. I’m from Austria. I lived here a long time and been a part of the German wrestling world but he’s literally their guy.

So, to hear the welcoming reaction for him made me very happy and very thankful to him to do that special introduction because as I know him, he wanted to be on that card and it’s just five matches and sometimes it doesn’t work out.

I was very happy to still be willing to be part of that and receive that reaction and well, we’ve been in places in front of 20 people and we’ve been in NXT together and started on the main roster together and it was a great moment out there and there’s gonna be more great moments to come.

Gunther Pays Tribute To Randy Orton

During the same interview, Gunther also tipped his hat to Randy Orton, breaking down what makes The Viper so impressive.

The Austrian star praised Orton for his efficiency in the ring and understanding of the little details that make the difference. He added that in terms of style, Orton isn’t too dissimilar from himself, making him someone he can learn from.

H/t to POST Wrestling