
Former WWE Star “Would Be A Fool” Not To Go Back

WWE boss Triple H

A former WWE star won’t rule out returning to the company.

Shelton Benjamin was released by WWE in September 2023, bringing to an end a six-year run with the company. The spell was Benjamin’s second with WWE after he starred for the promotion between 2000 and 2010.

Since being released, Benjamin hasn’t been short of offers, featuring regularly on the independent scene, most recently for PROGRESS. However, that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t return for a third run if the opportunity presented itself.

Speaking to the Daily Star, Benjamin admitted he’d jump at the chance to return to the sports entertainment giant, but it’s not something he’s actually pushing for.

“I think I’d be a fool to not look at the opportunity. If they ask me to come back, I would definitely go back. I would be a fool not to. They are the biggest company in the world, you get the most exposure. You can really expand your own personal brand there. The WWE is a marketing machine. Most people think of WWE as a wrestling company. I think of it as a marketing company.

If you get a chance to go there, I say to anyone, ‘Go.’ Yes, it’s going to be frustrating at times. Leave your feelings at the door. WWE doesn’t care about your feelings, much like any other job. I would definitely go back if given the opportunity. Am I trying to go back? No. I take it day by day and deal with what I have to deal with. If the opportunity came, of course, I would definitely consider going back,”

Jim Ross Calls On Shelton Benjamin To Move On From WWE

Speaking back in March, Jim Ross discussed his admiration for Shelton Benjamin and said he could be a huge asset to AEW. The legendary announcer laid out how he’d use the veteran suggesting he could be showcased as a singles star before being placed into a tag team where he could pass on his experience to a younger star.

Ross concluded by calling Benjamin a “credit to the business.”

H/t to Fightful