
Ex-WWE Writer Slams Trish Stratus Over “High School Verbiage” On Raw

Zoey Stark Trish Stratus

The issues between Trish Stratus and Becky Lynch continued on Raw following both women’s failed attempts to win Money In The Bank but a former WWE writer thinks the WWE Hall of Famer could have done better.

Lynch and Stratus got into a war of words on Raw in Baltimore with The Man wanting to end things there and then but Stratus claiming she wasn’t medically cleared to compete following her efforts at Money In The Bank. Instead, a match was set up pitting Becky Lynch against Zoey Stark on the 10th of July edition of Raw.

Speaking on Legion of Raw, former WWE writer Vince Russo slammed the verbiage used by Trish Stratus on Raw and thinks the WWE Hall of Famer needs to do better:

“For somebody that’s been there as long as Trish, you’re really gonna come up with the line that I’m better looking than each and everyone of you. Trish really? That’s what we’re gonna come up with, that’s high school verbiage, that’s not clever, it’s not creative, it’s not smart and then of course the angle that I’m not medically cleared.

“This is a double edged sword because I’m gonna put it over then I’m gonna take it away. They made a concerted effort of booking matches for next week. Now I read online that the reason they’re trying to do this is because Vince [McMahon] doesn’t like to cancel booked matches so they are advertising a match, Vince ain’t gonna change it at the last minute which I call BS on that.

“I like the fact that they are promoting next week, they’re making a concerted effort to do that for whatever reason. But don’t do that in front of the people because you’re screwing that crowd. Cut the verbiage and then have the announcers come back and say it has been booked. Come on Trish, that’s horrible. You’re a Hall of Famer, you gotta do better.”

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Very few – if any – WWE stars write their own promos word for word so there should be consideration given to the fact that much of what Trish Stratus said may well have been written for her by WWE’s writers.

h/t Sportskeeda