
Ex-WWE Star Opens Up About Heat With Roman Reigns

Roman Reigns scowling at the camera

A former WWE Superstar has commented on their backstage problems with Roman Reigns.

Long before he was released by WWE, Matt Riddle went on record in an interview saying he could beat Roman Reigns in a real fight, alongside a couple of other disparaging remarks. Unsurprisingly, the comments didn’t go down well with the former Undisputed WWE Universal Champion.

Despite the issues, the pair did end up working together in 2022 as Riddle and Randy Orton took on The Bloodline. After Orton got injured, Riddle’s rivalry with the group continued, and he unsuccessfully challenged Reigns for the Universal Title that June.

During a recent episode of his podcast, Matt Camp revealed WWE kept Matt Riddle and Roman Reigns on an episode of The Bump.

But we made a point to keep Riddle (away from Roman)… because we would have those interactions, where someone would be in-studio and interact with the (video) guests whether they were in a storyline or not – we had some fun stuff with that.

We 100% kept Riddle off the set until the Roman interview was done, which was the right call.”

Roman Reigns Issues Are In The Past

In a new interview with the New York Post, Riddle reflected on his heat with Reigns, explaining that the problems are behind them.

“I think when he saw how professional I am in the ring and I also explained why things were said and I wasn’t just trying to call you out. I know my place in WWE, but when someone tells me to cut a promo on you, I’m gonna cut a promo on you. I think he understood that. Still wasn’t happy about it, but understood. Me and Roman, we’re good,”

Matt Riddle was eventually released by WWE in September 2023 after a controversial incident at JFK airport.