
Ex-WWE Star Claims Company Denied Release Request

Triple H WWE

Former WWE star Lacey Evans has claimed the company would not let her out of her contract after she asked to leave.

Lacey Evans spent seven years as a WWE Superstar, finally leaving the company in August 2023 after failing to reignite her career on SmackDown. While some people might think that would come as a blow for the star, it seems to have been anything but.

Lacey Evans Denied WWE Release

Speaking with Carlo Perruzza, Lacey Evans spoke about how much she loved her time in WWE but says the company refused to let her go after asking for her release so she had to wait for her contract to expire:

It was incredible. I love the WWE. It was awesome. I invested so much money in properties, and I’m doing great. I appreciate everything that I have gotten knowledge-wise and relationship-wise. But, from the beginning of my career, I’ve always wanted a family; I’ve always wanted a big family, I’ve always wanted to be a mom, I’ve always wanted to be a wife, and there was nothing that would ever come between that.

Seven years ago, I was with the WWE. I was 33 when I finally got to get out of my…they wouldn’t even let me out of my contract, which was fine. You sign a contract; you give ‘em your word. So I had to wait until it ran out, and it ran out in August.

Lacey Evans has not ruled out an in-ring return but currently, she seems to be keeping busy with her many business interests including her exclusive content site.
