
Ex-WWE Champion Gets Wrestling Ban After Attacking Fan

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A former WWE Champion has been banned from wrestling after launching an assault on a fan.

On March 14th, Alberto El Patron – better known to WWE fans as Alberto del Rio – defeated El Hijo del Dr Wagner Jr at AAA’s event in Tijuana, Mexico. TV Azteca reports that after the match, El Patron confronted the crowd after they threw coins and beer at him.

The incident saw the AAA Mega Champion throw a chair into the crowd, hitting a woman in the face before being struck by a chair himself. The female fan was reportedly treated by paramedics in the arena before being taken to hospital.

In the aftermath of the incident, Tijuana authorities banned El Patron from wrestling in the city for six months. The video below shows fan footage of El Patron’s actions.

Despite the controversy, Alberto El Patron is still set to defend the AAA Mega Championship against Hijo del Vinkingo in Mexico City at the promotion’s Rey de Reyes event on March 22nd.

Alberto El Patron Faced Former AEW & WWE Star In Qatar

Miro was finally released from AEW in February 2025, over a year after he last competed for the promotion. The star was quick to get back in the ring, taking on Alberto El Patron at QPW Super Slam III in Doha, Qatar on February 22nd. El Patron won the match against his former League of Nations teammate, although it was through a disqualification, leaving the door open for the pair to continue their rivalry.