ESPN “30 For 30” Special On XFL Is In The Works
Former WWE commentator and current ESPN SportsCenter anchor Jonathan Coachman was a guest on the most recent edition of WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross’ podcast, The Ross Report. While on the podcast, Coach revealed that ESPN is currently working on a “30 for 30” special centering on Vince McMahon’s failed American football league experiment, the XFL.
“They’re going to be doing a 30 for 30 on the XFL and I sat down for a very, I guess, in depth interview for this 30 for 30 at ESPN. So I got to relive some of those moments and some of those nights we had.”
The XFL was founded in 1999 and ceased after its inaugural season in 2001. If you’d like to listen to this episode of The Ross Report in its entirety, you can click right here.
Mark’s reaction: ESPN does such an excellent job with their 30 for 30’s and doing one on the XFL sounds incredibly interesting to me. I’m a younger wrestling fan and wasn’t following Vince’s venture into the football world at that time. I don’t know much about the XFL aside from it only lasting one season and Vince describing it as a “colossal failure.” However, I’m fascinated to learn more about it and to hear stories on it from someone like Coach who was heavily involved with WWE and the XFL project during that time. I did a quick YouTube search on it and briefly watched the XFL’s debut broadcast. I got a chuckle out of Vince’s classic over the top yelling at the end of his introduction as well as listening to JR and King call a football game. I’ll include that link below.
Are you looking forward to this 30 for 30 on the XFL? Do you have any stories of the XFL and what you thought about it? I’m interested to read your comments below.