
Eric Bischoff Discusses Former WCW Superstar’s Short-Lived Run In WWE

Eric Bischoff Discusses Former WCW Superstar's Short-Lived Run In WWE

On the recent episode of his “83 Weeks” podcast, Eric Bischoff candidly shared insights into why he believed former WCW star Buff Bagwell struggled to make an impact in WWE following his infamous match with Booker T on Raw in the summer of 2001.

The showdown between Booker T and Buff Bagwell in a special all-WCW presentation headlined WWE Raw in Tacoma, Washington on July 2, 2001. However, the attempt to showcase WCW as a separate brand within WWE fell flat, and Bagwell’s stint with the company was short-lived. Addressing the issue on his podcast, Bischoff attributed Bagwell’s challenges in WWE to his attitude and the preconceived notions held by others about him.

Buff, [was] very, very young at this time. And very young when he went to WWE. Buff had a hard time occasionally, more often than not, reading the room. And knowing when to tone it down, when not to tone down. It wasn’t his strong suit. Some of it had to do with Buff’s attitude. Some of it had to do with the attitude from others who had a preconceived notion of what Buff was and who he was.

Despite acknowledging Bagwell’s talent and his significant tenure with WCW, Bischoff suggested that Bagwell’s lack of experience and seasoning may have hindered his success in WWE.

If Buff maybe would have had a couple more years under his belt and had a little more seasoning in terms of how to conduct themselves backstage and offstage, and how to deal with people? The outcome could have been different. But he just wasn’t there long enough for anybody to really get to know him. I mean, he was talented. And talents are quirky. And you’ve got to get to know the individual behind the character to really get an assessment of what they’re like or whether you want to work with them.

Ultimately, Bischoff attributed Bagwell’s struggles to a combination of his own attitude, the perceptions of others, and the unfortunate timing of his arrival in WWE.

WWE Hall Of Famer Hulk Hogan Defends Eric Bischoff’s Role In Death Of WCW

In an interview with Sports Illustrated, two-time WWE Hall of Famer Hulk Hogan blamed Turner executives rather than Eric Bischoff for the death of WCW in 2001.

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