
Eddie Kingston Hits Back At Reports On AEW’s “Divided” Locker Room

Eddie Kingston CM Punk

Eddie Kingston is one man not afraid to speak his mind and now the star has given his view on “clickbait on YouTube” surrounding claims about the AEW locker room ever since CM Punk returned.

Punk had not been seen in AEW since All Out in 2022 where he had his infamous backstage fight with The Elite until he returned on the debut edition of Collision in his hometown of Chicago.

Despite his return, there have been rumblings that there is still some discontent among some over Punk’s comeback with some suggestions that there is a division in the locker room.

Speaking to the New York Post, Eddie Kingston gave his thoughts on CM Punk returning to the company and makes very clear that there is no divided locker room in AEW:

“He did it his way and that’s the way wanted to do it. I expected it. I knew it was happening, knowing Punk and what he thought was right for him. That’s it. I see the reports. I see the clickbait on YouTube. But the locker room is not divided, not the people I hang out with. Punk’s gonna do what Punk does and if whatever Punk does helps this company, no one can say anything.”

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Kingston’s comments come after reports that suggested there was at least one AEW star was left in a bad mood following Dynamite on the 21st of June where Punk made an appearance.