
Dutch Mantel On The Catchphrase That Vince McMahon Loved

Zeb Colter Dutch Mantel cuts a promo on WWE Raw 2013

Former WWE manager Dutch Mantel has revealed the catchphrase which Vince McMahon would request him to fit in as many promos as possible.

Under the guise of Zeb Colter, Dutch Mantel returned to WWE in 2013, positioning himself at the side of Jack Swagger to claim that the pair were true Americans.

As part of this, he would use the Gadsden “don’t tread on me” flag, and use lines such as talking about people “sneaking across the border”.

In an interview on Sportskeeda Wrestling’s Smack Talk, Dutch Mantel has revealed that Vince McMahon would push him to make sure he included the line whenever he was addressing the audience.

Vince loved that. So, an agent would say, ‘Go out there and say this and this,’ and he’d say, ‘Oh yeah, don’t forget to say creaking, sneaking across the border. I don’t care what else you say, just make sure you get the sneaking across the border. He loves that.’ Sometimes when you entertain Vince, you’ve got a job. I mean, that’s not true now, but it was an entertaining little line I would do.

During his run as Zeb Colter, Mantel also managed Cesaro, and after a brief hiatus at the end of 2014 would return to take Alberto Del Rio to the United States Championship.

Dutch Mantel also recently opened up on why he feels the 2003 rivalry between Hulk Hogan and Jeff Jarrett ended up being scrapped.

With thanks to Sportskeeda Wrestling for the transcription.