
Door Not Closed On WWE Return For Ronda Rousey

Ronda Rousey WWE

Ronda Rousey could yet return to WWE.

Since leaving WWE in August 2023, Ronda Rousey has been incredibly critical of the company and former boss Vince McMahon. In the latest installment of her autobiography, Rousey held little back when giving her thoughts on McMahon and WWE’s entire management structure.

It’s been reported that Ronda Rousey “despised” Vince McMahon by the time she left the company, later branding him a “f*cking sicko” in an interview. She also took aim at the company for its “casting couch culture” during McMahon’s tenure, slamming former Head of Talent Relations John Laurinaitis.

Elsewhere, Ronda Rousey ruled out ever returning to WWE, calling the company a “sh*tshow.”

WWE “Loves” Ronda Rousey

While Rousey might not be knocking on WWE’s door for a job anytime soon, it seems the company would be open to working with her again. In a new appearance on the Sports Media Podcast with Richard Deitsch, WWE’s Head of Communications Chris Legentil said if someone ever wants to come back, the company is happy to have the conversation.

We saw the news recently about she’s going to be having her second child and we’re super excited for her. We love Ronda. She’s been a great person to work with on a lot of levels.

And, you know, if somebody wants to come back, it’s always a conversation we’re happy to have. I mean, life is very long and, you know, things change both behind the scenes and in front of the camera over time. And we’re definitely open to have conversations when it makes sense.

On July 25th, Rousey announced she was pregnant with her second child. The star and her husband Travis Browne are already parents to two-year-old La’akea Makalapuaokalanipō, while Browne has two children from a previous marriage.

H/t to POST Wrestling