
Details On What Happened When Nailz Assaulted Vince McMahon Revealed

Details On What Happened When Nailz Assaulted Vince McMahon Revealed

In a riveting account of a backstage altercation, former WWE Tag Team Champion Jerry Sags recently shed light on the explosive incident between Nailz and Vince McMahon before a show.

The incident, which took place at the old arena in Green Bay, Wisconsin, adjacent to Lambeau Field, has now come to the forefront with Sags providing a detailed recollection in an interview with Wrestling Shoot Interviews. During a TV day at the arena, Sags found himself in the basement, battling boredom, and eventually settled in the hallway with fellow wrestler John Nord. Positioned strategically near Vince McMahon’s office, Sags had a front-row seat to the unfolding drama.

We were in Green Bay, Wisconsin right next to Lambeau Field, at the old arena there. And for some reason I get bored, it’s a TV day… I plopped down in the hallway. There’s these wooden benches and John Nord came and sat next to me,

As Sags observed, Kevin Wacholz, known for his Nailz gimmick, stormed past them and entered McMahon’s office, sparking a heated argument primarily centred around financial matters.

I see Kevin Kelly… He storms by us… he goes right into Mr. McMahon’s office. An argument ensued about money,

According to Sags, McMahon attempted to defuse the situation by sitting down, but Kelly continued to confront him aggressively. The situation took a shocking turn when Kelly forcefully grabbed McMahon, lifting him off the ground, and physically assaulting him.

Kevin said, ‘Are you going to pay me or not?’ And Vince McMahon went ‘No’ and Kevin reached over the table, grabbed him with two things around his neck, he picked him off the ground, picked him up, smashed him down on the ground, got on top of him, and my jaw dropped ‘I can’t believe this is happening.’ He started punching him,

Stunned by the violence, Sags alerted nearby individuals, including Sergeant Slaughter and agents, about the altercation. Despite initial hesitation, McMahon’s associates eventually intervened, leading to Kelly leaving the room. Sags speculated that Kelly’s grievances may have been fueled by financial disparities and external influences.

I think he found out Boss Man got paid this, Kevin got paid this, and he was upset about it, and I think somebody or people could have maybe stirred that pot a little bit and put fire under his a**,

What Did Former WWE Superstar Nailz Say About His Altercation With Vince McMahon?

Nailz told his side of the story on what happened between himself and Vince McMahon backstage at a WWE event. Nailz stated that the confrontation was indeed due to him being unhappy with his pay, he further stated that he and McMahon were the only people in the room at the time and he referred to McMahon as the “assailant” despite many claiming that Nailz was the instigator of the scuffle.

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