
D-Von Dudley Reveals Vince McMahon’s Tough Approach To WWE Producers

D-Von Dudley Reveals Vince McMahon’s Tough Approach To WWE Producers

WWE Hall of Famer D-Von Dudley has spoken candidly about his experience working as a producer for the company, shedding light on how Vince McMahon would react when he was unhappy with a match.

Speaking on his YouTube channel, D-Von detailed how Vince McMahon often held producers responsible rather than the wrestlers when a performance failed to meet expectations. He described this as an unfair aspect of the role.

“If he didn’t like the match, he would take the headset off, put it on the table, look at you, and say, ‘Come here, why did you do such and such? What was the reasoning for that?’”

D-Von recalled.

“And you’d have to explain it to him, why you did what you did. He would either say, ‘Okay, I see that,’ or he would say, ‘No, that is not what I wanted, this is what I wanted.’ And you would have to deal with it.”

D-Von pointed out that producers were frequently blamed for matches going off course, even in situations where wrestlers deviated from the planned sequences.

“Ninety per cent of the time, the producer would be the one to get blamed. I used to always say, ‘Listen, once they step through the curtain, I can’t hold their hands. If we give them the vision in the back and then they decide to go another route, I can’t stop that from happening. That’s something that the big boss would have to reprimand them for.’ Sometimes he did that, but a lot of times it fell on a producer.”

D-Von served as a WWE producer from 2016 until January 2023 and has made occasional appearances as a performer. His most recent appearance took place at NXT 2300 on 6 November 2024.

Which Former WWE Star Believes Their Career Would Have Been Different Under Vince McMahon?

Former WWE announcer Samantha Irvin spoke about how she believes her career would have been different under Vince McMahon. Irvin believes that if McMahon were still in charge when she was there she would have been removed from announcing and moved elsewhere in an off-screen role.

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