
Cody Rhodes Names His Colossal Goal In WWE

Cody Rhodes holding Undisputed WWE Championship

Cody Rhodes has lofty ambitions for his WWE career.

Cody Rhodes finally reached the pinnacle of WWE at WrestleMania 40 when he defeated Roman Reigns to capture the Undisputed WWE Championship for the first time. Now, The American Nightmare has revealed he has even higher ambitions.

During an appearance on the Cheap Heat podcast, Rhodes said his goal is to be the most profitable talent in the history of WWE.

“I would like to be the most profitable talent that WWE has ever had. I know who hangs in that group. You know, your Austin 3:16’s, your ‘Hustle Loyalty, Respect’, your John Cena’s. I know what I have been doing, and I know the link that I have to keep doing this for this goal to become a reality.

So that one, it’s a little inside baseball, and it’s not all that glamorous, but I really, even today, feel a sense of I would like to give WWE everything I possibly have.”

When it was put to him that he’s really saying he wants to go down as the “greatest who ever lived,” Rhodes admitted that was a better way to put it.

“I think sometimes you get into the [Greatest Of All Time] conversations, like basketball has the greatest GOAT conversation ever when people go back on LeBron and Michael, whatever it may be. I think one of the things that’s most important in any sport, in any form of entertainment, is today we’ve got all these…we’re fans, right?” I watch something, I might like it I might dislike this person but that guiding force in terms of, are they able to actually move the needle? Did they do anything from a business standpoint?

Rhodes explained that he looks at it through that lens as he has seen biased people use numbers against his father, Dusty Rhodes and brother, AEW’s Dustin Rhodes. Cody says he wants it to be impossible to spin his own success in a negative way.

“I look at it that way think because a lot of my family’s contributions to the industry, a lot of people who had maybe a bias against the old man or even a bias against my brother, they spun it in a way that they were able to spin it because perhaps those numbers weren’t there. I want to make sure there’s no spin. When we’re all said and done here, there’s no spin.”

Rhodes finished by saying part of his goal means eclipsing the success of the man he beat for the title, Roman Reigns.

“If Roman Reigns was the greatest thing WWE had seen up to this point, I want to completely eclipse him. And I mean that with the utmost respect.”

WWE Legend Surprised By Success Of Cody Rhodes

The Undertaker didn’t think Cody Rhodes would become the “sport entertainer” he has. The Deadman congratulated Rhodes on his “well-deserved” title win at WrestleMania 40, but admitted to his doubts about the star. However, he thinks in his time away from WWE, Rhodes developed himself in all aspects of the business and came back a different person.

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