
Cody Rhodes Lays Down Big SummerSlam Challenge

Cody Rhodes

Cody Rhodes wants one more trip to Suplex City at SummerSlam as he laid down a major challenge to Brock Lesnar.

The rivalry between Brock Lesnar and Cody Rhodes has seen each man pick up a win over the other. Rhodes defeated Lesnar at Backlash on May 6th by countering a Kimura Lock with a pinfall that worked for the victory. Lesnar came back with a win at Night of Champions after apparently breaking Rhodes’ left arm/wrist going into their match. Lesnar applied the Kimura Lock and Rhodes passed out in the hold to give Lesnar the win.

On Raw in Buffalo, New York, Cody Rhodes laid down the challenge everyone has been waiting for as he told Brock Lesnar he wanted him in a rubber match at SummerSlam. Not only that, Rhodes’ promo suggests he’s already thinking about what’s next for him should he defeat The Beast Incarnate:

“What I dream is a rubber match with Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam. Brock Lesnar, nothing would make me happier than next week if you came to this ring, if you shook my hand, if you knew that this wasn’t personal, if you honored me by being my opponent at SummerSlam and even if you don’t shake my hand we’re gonna play the same game.

“I’m gonna pop you in the side of the ear, I’m gonna hit you with chairs, I’m gonna pick up steps, I’m gonna finish the chapter that you started for no damn reason! The reason is simple, why would anyone want another match with Brock Lesnar? Why do I have to have another match with Brock Lesnar? It’s because what comes from that fight, what emerges from that cloud of dust is simple, that guy is next in line and the prince doesn’t wanna be the prince forever. I wanna be – I will be next in line.”