
Cody Rhodes Details What Helped Him Get Through Iconic WWE Match

Cody Rhodes Wearing WWE Title

Cody Rhodes has revealed how he made it through his Hell in a Cell match against Seth Rollins.

Only days before clashing with Seth Rollins inside the brutal Hell in a Cell structure in 2022, Cody Rhodes suffered a torn pectoral muscle during training. Despite the inury, The American Nightmare not only went through with the match but put on an instant classic with Rollins.

Speaking about the bout on the Major Wrestling Figure Podcast, the Undisputed WWE Champion revealed that he went to the doctor to ask for strong medication to get through it. However, all he was given was baby aspirin.

“I get very petty when I see on social that people think I had some sort of medication. I’ll tell you the god-honest truth. I was hoping for some extra strength tylenol, I was hoping for something, but when I went to Larry in the training room looking for some anti-inflammatories, I was given, and I kid you not, two baby aspirins.

“I was happy to have them. Right in the early part of the match, I thought I was going to puke because it’s that feeling when you’ve been punched in the nose or when you’ve been hit so hard that your body wasn’t ready, you took a fall from way high up or whatever it is.”

Although he was convinced he would have to cut the match short, Rhodes says he got a second wind that got him through.

“I thought that this won’t go much longer, I thought for sure I was gonna just literally vomit in front of the audience and then I found kind of a second wind. Near the end of it, I felt like I could have benched that 315 and just been repping it out but shortly thereafter, all that pain set in.”

Cody Rhodes Facing AJ Styles In “I Quit” Title Match

At Clash at the Castle, Cody Rhodes will put the Undisputed WWE Championship on the line in an “I Quit” Match. Rhodes made the challenge after Styles ambushed him during a fake retirement speech on SmackDown and left him lying with a Styles Clash off the steel ring steps to the floor.

H/T to Fightful for the above transcription.