
Chad Gable Gives Insight Into New Heel Persona

Chad Gable WWE Raw

Chad Gable has admitted his new heel character is surprisingly close to his real-life personality.

After falling short in his pursuit of the Intercontinental Championship yet again on the April 15th edition of WWE Raw, Chad Gable turned heel with a vicious assault on Sami Zayn.

Since then, the star has become more arrogant as he talks up his ability as a pure wrestler, while also berating the members of Alpha Academy when they fall short of his high expectations.

During an interview with TNT Sports, Gable has explained just how close the heel version of his character is to his real personality.

“It’s certainly easier. Most people probably identify with the fact that it’s easier to get people to hate you than to like you. This version of it, believe it or not, is probably the closest to maybe my real personality than anything else I’ve done. Not to say I’m a jerk, but I’m a very hard-nosed, disciplined human being in real life.

“If you ask anyone close to me, they’d tell you the same. I don’t necessarily talk to them the way that I talk to the Alpha Academy right now. They also do know that when it comes down to the things that I take seriously like training and fitness, anything I apply that discipline to, they don’t interfere in that part of my life. Otherwise, those tendencies in me do come out and they might catch me a little crankier than I normally would be. It’s a very real part of my personality, which is cool.

“When I told Otis, when we’re doing some of this character work on TV, it’s so fun to me because there is zero stress or thinking involved. When I’m working through some of these promos or interviews, I don’t think at all, it just comes out and I’m like, ‘Man, that feels good.’ I’m not even working now. I’m just being me. It feels like it’s resonated because people are seeing something where they’re like, ‘We’ve been waiting to see this.'”

Chad Gable will be able to put his new attitude to the test at WWE King & Queen of the Ring on May 25th when he once again challenges Sami Zayn for the Intercontinental Title. This time there will be another factor in the bout as the addition of Bronson Reed has made it a Triple Threat Match.

Kurt Angle Sees Chad Gable As “Rebirth” Of His Character#

With many people already seeing parallels between the two, Kurt Angle has declared that Chad Gable’s new persona is a “rebirth” of the Olympic Gold Medallist. The WWE Hall of Famer explained that Gable is doing a lot of things he used to do as a heel, right down to taking down his singlet before his finisher. He also praised the star, saying he’s doing a “a great job of it.”

H/T to Fightful for the above transcription.