
Bobby Lashley Details Wrestling Through Two Major Injuries

bobby lashley wwe arms out

Bobby Lashley, like many wrestlers, has wrestled hurt or with a body that’s barely held together.

But Lashley’s mentality throughout his wrestling career has been to soldier on, to fight through the pain, and not have matches stopped no matter what he’s going through. He gave specific examples of this on a recent edition of the Notsam Wrestling Show. “I don’t think there’s a time where I went out for any match where I thought ‘Man, I feel great,'” he said.

The first example was a small but annoying injury that kept flaring up while Bobby Lashley was wrestling live. He received nine stitches on one of his fingers after going through a table and when wrestling afterwards the stitches kept tearing, causing blood to “gush everywhere”.

“It hurt like hell, and it’s cut all the way across; stitches are popping out,” Lashley chuckled. “I told the trainer just wrap it up.” The WWE trainer was prepared to tell the office Lashley couldn’t wrestle, “but I’m not doing that,” said Lashley, telling the trainer instead, “Tape it up, I’m ready to go!”

But that wasn’t the only injury Bobby Lashley wrestled through. The worst one was a torn rotator cuff that he ignored for half of 2021.

“I wrestled half of the year last year with a torn rotator cuff. Seventy-five percent tear in my rotator.”

Bobby Lashley is scheduled to face Brock Lesnar at WWE’s next big PLE, Crown Jewel, on Saturday, November 5th.

h/t WrestlingInc for the transcription