
Bobby Heenan’s Stand Against Vince McMahon’s Creative Idea

Bobby Heenan's Stand Against Vince McMahon's Creative Idea

WWE Hall of Famer Bobby Heenan once found himself at odds with Vince McMahon over a creative idea for his storyline, ultimately refusing to go through with it.

In a revealing upload on his YouTube channel “Weasel Tales“, Steve Anderson shared an old interview with Heenan from over 20 years ago, shedding light on the circumstances surrounding Heenan’s decision to decline McMahon’s proposal.

Vince McMahon came up with this idea about having me handcuffed to the rail and then he wanted the Big Bossman to come out because I gave his mother so much grief. He wanted the Bossman to rip my clothes off me and leave me standing there handcuffed in my underwear. But he wanted me to have hearts on my underwear like women’s panties.

Initially agreeable to the idea, Heenan reflected on his discomfort with the proposed angle and offered an alternative approach to McMahon.

I asked Vince if I could talk to him and I explained to him that I just can’t do it… I don’t want to do this thing with the hearts on the underwear. He said, ‘Bobby, it’s a work.’ and I said ‘I know. If it’s a work you can change it. I can’t do it. It’d be too hard on my kid.

Despite McMahon’s displeasure with Heenan’s refusal, the legendary manager and commentator stood by his decision, emphasising the importance of personal comfort and integrity in performing.

I didn’t do it. I did the other one, the handcuff thing for the whole evening. But he was very, very upset with me that I told him no… You can’t do something right and make it look good if you’re not comfortable doing it. If he’d have given me an ultimatum, I would have left… If you give me an ultimatum, that tells me right off the bat you have no regard for me.

The incident, which occurred in August of 1990, did not deter Heenan from maintaining a prominent position with the company until his departure from WWE three years later in 1993.

WWE Hall Of Famer Doesn’t Think Vince McMahon Was “Creative Genius”

WWE Hall of Famer Eric Bischoff revealed in an interview last year that he didn’t believe Vince McMahon was the creative genius many would label him. Bischoff agreed Vince came up with some creative ideas but came up with a lot of bad ideas too.

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