TJRWrestling WWE Fastlane 2016 Preview
John: This Sunday night in Cleveland, Ohio is the WWE Fastlane pay-per-view event. It’s the show that takes place between the very important Royal Rumble event and the biggest show of the year, WrestleMania.
It’s a show that won’t have a WWE Title match on it because the WWE Champion Triple H has barely been on television in the last month. They are saving his next match for WrestleMania because he’s an older part timer that is likely going to drop the gold at WrestleMania. Who will he drop the title to? That’s what Fastlane is for because the main event of this show will see Brock Lesnar, Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns battle it out in a triple threat match to determine the #1 Contender for the WWE Title at WrestleMania.
Joining me for the preview are Christian Michael, Heather Hickey and Matty J. Douglas. As always, the match order isn’t the order that we necessarily think will happen on the show. It’s just a format to use for this preview. Here’s Heather with some opening remarks and then we’ll get to the predictions.
Heather: This entire card reads more like a holding pattern, with many of the matches being done multiple times over the last few weeks. The term “Fastlane” makes me think of someone zipping past in an effort to get somewhere, which certainly reflects WWE’s approach to this PPV. This isn’t so much a stop on the Road to WrestleMania as it is a bypass. There are few opportunities to plant seeds for April 3rd, other than the main event and to a lesser extent the Diva’s matches. That’s why I liked the concept of Elimination Chamber sitting between the Rumble and Mania. It felt monumental, a gimmick worth a pit stop. I look forward to Sunday with the kind of excitement reserved for a solid episode of Raw. For all the good work going on at WWE Network, has its access to “PPV’s” lessened their place in the flow of storytelling? And as long-time fans, is it on us to adapt?
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Kickoff Match for the United States Title: Kalisto vs. Alberto Del Rio (2/3 Falls)
Christian: I certainly appreciate WWE trying to add a little spice to this match by making it 2/3 Falls. What I don’t like is them moving the match to the Kickoff Show. There’s only six matches on the PPV portion of the. Even with The Cutting Edge Peep Show I’m sure there is more than enough time for these guys to have a 15-minute match. Putting it on the Kickoff Show likely means they’ll rush through three falls in ten minutes, which by the way, I can’t stand. It’s a shame that nearly a year after John Cena won the United States Championship and worked so hard alongside guys like Dean Ambrose, Cesaro, Kevin Owens and Seth Rollins to make it mean something it’s been relegated to the Kickoff Show.
Prediction- Kalisto retains the United States Championship
Matt: In what may be a first, Kalisto will defend the United States Championship in a 2/3 Falls match on the pre-show of the PPV. That’s about the only “first” we’ll experience in this match. These guys have fought each other approximately 743 times in 2016, and because of this match’s format, we’ll technically be seeing match 744 through 746.
One would hope we are done with this pairing after Sunday, but in all honesty, I can’t say that confidently. Now that Sin Cara is back, they could move the belt back to Del Rio and reform the Lucha Dragons. Even if that isn’t the case, we still may see this pairing in some form come Wrestlemania, because what the hell else are the League Of Nations up to? Speaking of the League Of Nations, weren’t they a main event faction literally 2 months ago? They fell swiftly, and we all saw it coming.
Winner and Still United States Champion: Kalisto (because I just want this feud to end)
Heather: This is complete poppycock. Would the United States Title have ever been defended on a Kickoff show when John Cena was holding it? Even with the roster being as thin as it is, there is still plenty of talent milling about backstage who’d be a great fit for the Kickoff, giving the U.S. Title its due air of importance on the main show. Does Kalisto have to leave early and visit Sin Cara in a recovery ward somewhere? What the hell?!
As for the match itself, the stipulation gives me hope that they’ll be given time to allow for Kalisto and Del Rio to really dig in and dance. I can’t think of (m)any 2/3 Falls matches that haven’t gone to 3 falls, and these guys could give us a barnburner of a third fall. I’m already eating my words about this being buried in the Kickoff, because I will be making a point of watching it. VINCE MCMAHON, I AM YOUR PUPPET.
Winner: Kalisto. This needs to be a definitive win in order to cement him as the rightful champ, and what better way to do it than a best of 3?
John: I got it wrong at the Royal Rumble. That match saw Del Rio defending the US Title against Kalisto and I predicted Del Rio to win because I figured that was the end of the feud. Nope. Here we go again with Kalisto defending the title. If he wins, it’s probably the end of the rivalry. I actually don’t mind the Kickoff spot for this match just because they’ll likely get more time in the pre-show than they would have if it was on the main show. It should be a clean win for Kalisto to finally end the rivalry. I’m not sure who he feuds with next, but it’s time to end this one.
Winner: Kalisto

Becky Lynch & Sasha Banks vs. Naomi & Tamina
Christian: This match is all about getting Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch ready for WrestleMania. In my eyes, this is probably the most predictable match on the card. Becky and Sasha don’t trust each other but will find a way to work together to gain the win. Tamina and Naomi are just there because Becky and Sasha can’t wrestle air. I’d be shocked if this one went longer than seven minutes.
Prediction- Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch
Matt: I’ve been digging the build to this match a little bit. As contrived as the whole “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” thing is, these four ladies have had some pretty great interactions and pretty good matches in the last few weeks. This is obviously a placeholder, as is the Divas Title feud, but as placeholders go, they’ve been much better than bad.
Winners: Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch (because they have bigger fish to fry come the road to WrestleMania)
Heather: Right now, “two women’s matches on a PPV” and “calling up hot NXT talent” both look like empty gestures. Yes, the actual wrestling is a lot more palatable than before, but you suck all the marrow out of good wrestling when no effort is put into stories, allegiances are constantly shifting, and motivations are unclear. That emotional connection is what makes pro wrestling so addictive. It hurts even more when the POTENTIAL is sitting right in front of you, like a whole bunch of Cesaro’s just waiting around cracking their necks in advance of being awesome.
I suspect that the point of this match is for Sasha and Becky to clash. But then what? John Canton says Triple Threat against Charlotte. I am trying to be optimistic because we still have 6 weeks until WrestleMania to create a path and stick to it. John’s prediction could give us a story with a real emotional connection.
Winners: Becky Lynch and Sasha Banks, whose celebration will end in a Banks Statement.
John: I like that they haven’t rushed this storyline. They have taken their time in building it up so that Banks and Lynch realize they need to work together even though they aren’t friends. The face turn of Banks has been a slow build. It’s not like Paige’s most recent face turn where she just showed up as a face after being a heel for a couple of months. At least there’s a story here with Naomi and Tamina being mad at Banks since she wants to do things without them. This match should be a pretty easy win for Banks and Lynch. They need to look strong since they are likely going to be part of a triple threat match for the Divas Title against Charlotte at WrestleMania. I’ll go with Banks getting the submission win here.
Winners: Sasha Banks & Becky Lynch

Edge and Christian interview WWE Tag Team Champions The New Day on “The Cutting Edge Peep Show”
Heather: This seems like an opportunity for Edge and Christian to promote their show that’s debuting after Fastlane, but also for a Dudley Boyz appearance, given their history with E&C. But unless this segment is also in service of setting up an immediate match between The New Day and the Dudleys, I believe The New Day is being wasted here. There are too many cooks in this kitchen. It’s not going to be fun or funny if everyone is just trying to get all their witty moves in. So I will watch in hopes that Edge and Christian won’t 5-second pose all over the current talent, and The New Day will bring the magic. BTW this would be the perfect palate cleanser after the IC Title match.
John: This should be fun and full of laughs, but I hope there’s also the debut of Enzo Amore & Colin Cassady on WWE’s main roster. It would be the perfect spot for it because you could have E&C out there saying that they’re unable to fight The New Day, but they found a couple of guys that can do it. Having one of the best tag teams ever (E&C) put over Enzo & Cass (also E&C) would be a great way to give them credibility right away. I’m not saying it’s going to happen for sure. I just think it’s the right spot to do it.

Divas Title: Charlotte vs. Brie Bella
Christian: If we weren’t so close to WrestleMania I could see Brie Bella pulling off the upset and becoming the new Champion. It’ll be that “feel good” moment WWE is always looking to capture. With her super-popular husband Daniel Bryan having just retired the crowd will be behind her to pick up the win and I can see WWE trying to capitalize on that. I guess WWE could do a Fatal 4Way at WrestleMania with Brie as the Champion defending again Becky, Charlotte and Sasha but it seems like to me they want to do the Triple Threat at WrestleMania with the “NXT” girls.
Prediction- Charlotte retains the Divas Championship
Matt: Again, we have a place holder for a Divas feud, but as placeholders go this has been fine. Daniel Bryan retiring gave this match a spark and with the right in ring action on Sunday, people should be into this match. If Brie can pull off a couple of Daniel Bryan’s signature moves, including his kicks and a well timed LaBella Lock, this may whip the live crowd into a bit of a frenzy. Unfortunately, everybody knows that the outcome is all but set in stone. We know the direction they’re heading at Wrestlemania with the Divas, and that Brie may wrestle her last match before then. That said, I hope Brie gets one last shining moment before she joins her husband on the sidelines.
Winner and Still Divas Champion: Charlotte (because we all know where this is headed)
Heather: I’m going to predict a harder-hitting-than-usual battle for Brie, who will show a lot of resilience and grit. When that mean lady Charlotte and her dastardly Daddy cheat to win, they will send Brie off on a sympathetic note. It’s the perfect way to bid her adieu in the wake of Daniel Bryan’s retirement and her sister being on the shelf long term. Farewell, Brie, and thanks for all the monotone memories.
Winner: Charlotte
John: Out of all the title matches on this show, this is the one where a title change is most likely. I’m not going to predict it, though. It’s easy to understand why they might do it since Brie’s going to retire soon and it would be a nice tribute to her retired husband Daniel Bryan if she won the title one more time. They could always have her drop it in a week or two in order to get to that Charlotte/Banks/Lynch triple threat that I’ve talked about for a while. I’d rather see Charlotte retain, though. She has had the title since September and she’s improved in the last few months as well. I’ll go with Charlotte getting the win (I think Ric Flair may cause a slight distraction to help) in about seven minutes or so.
Winner: Charlotte

Big Show, Ryback & Kane vs. The Wyatt Family in a Six Man Tag Match
Christian: I take back what I said about the Diva Tag Match, this is easily the most predictable match on the card. It’ll likely being a very slow, plodding match that’ll likely make you want to find that Alicia Fox vs. Melina match instead of watching these lumbering giants.
The “titans” of WWE are all set up for the Wyatt Family, Bray and Braun in particular, to destroy heading into WrestleMania. If the rumors are true and Braun Strowman is getting a big push and Bray Wyatt is going against Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania then they have to have a dominant win here and I expect nothing less.
Prediction- The Wyatt Family
Matt: Woof! I was stunned that this was what they chose to close out this past Monday’s edition of Raw, and am shocked and chagrined that they would force us to watch this abominable match at a PPV. Could this not have been on the Pre-Show? It’s not like anybody is particularly interested in anybody in this match. I get that the WWE wants the Wyatts to look strong before they pair them with Brock, but if I’m being honest, that ship has kinda sailed for me. They didn’t stoke the flames of that feud and I’d much rather see a different Lesnar match at Wrestlemania, regardless of how strongly the Wyatts go over here.
If there is a moment that I’ll take a break to go to the bathroom, grab a snack, check out a few songs from Kanye’s new Album, etc. it will be during this match.
Winners: The Wyatt Family (because what the hell would giving the win to the other team accomplish?)
Heather: I don’t care about this.
Winners: Big Kaneback
John: This reminds me of when they would put The Shield in six man tags on PPVs against three babyfaces that just randomly teamed up together in order to put The Shield over. While The Wyatt Family is nothing close to The Shield in terms of being future main event stars that the company can build around, they are in a spot where a significant win would help them. I figure it’ll be Wyatt, Harper and Strowman in the match. Either Wyatt or Strowman will get the win. It should be on Big Show just because of his size, but it wouldn’t surprise me if it’s Kane or Ryback that takes the fall. It doesn’t matter that much. Keep it under ten minutes, please.
Winners: The Wyatt Family

Intercontinental Title: Kevin Owens vs. Dolph Ziggler
Christian: I love both of these guys. In fact, behind Dean Ambrose, Kevin Owens is my favorite wrestler in WWE right now. That being said, I want something more than the same ten minute, three star match these two have had about 20 times since Owens debuted in WWE and is regurgitated to us on a weekly basis. This match needs a stipulation like some sort of Street Fight variation. Since that doesn’t seem like it’s going to happen at least let them get 15-20 minutes to really put on a show and tear the house down.
Prediction- Kevin Owens retains the Intercontinental Championship
Matt: Another match that we’ve probably seen 866 times this year on this card. They should rename this PPV to WWE Reruns. I’m glad they put the title on Owens, but would have liked it more if they made that Fatal 5 Way match to get the title off Ambrose, on the Fastlane card. Have Ambrose arrive during the pre-show and have Stephanie inform him that he’ll be defending his Intercontinental Championship. “You didn’t think we could have present WWE Fastlane without the Intercontinental Championship being defended did you?” Then when he loses, he’s beat up and still has to fight Reigns and Brock.
Honestly, better yet would have been dropping the title to Owens at Royal Rumble, and still coming out and finishing second in the Rumble. If he hadn’t been IC Champion in that moment, people would have really thought he could win.
I don’t particularly care for this match if you couldn’t tell. It’ll be good, but they’ve already taken all my good will. I’m left with only apathy. To this point the thing I’m looking forward to most is a New Day interview segment with Edge and Christian (and maybe Enzo and Cass?).
Winner and Still Intercontinental Champion: Kevin Owens (because I need him to fight Sami Zayn at Wrestlemania. Don’t screw with me on this WWE!)
Heather: For all my complaints about pretty much everything else, I’m not tired of these two wrestling each other. Their styles and personalities are a fantastic play of opposites. Owens is the blunt instrument who can destroy with surprising precision, whereas Ziggler’s shiny exterior hides a scrappy inner center. They’re both so comfortable in the ring and will want to have the showstopper match. I like that it’s for a title, something both of them desperately need in the absence of any other corporate recognition. I really, really hope this gets 20 minutes. It could do a world of wonders for not just Owens and Ziggler – who in my opinion have been keepers of the pro wrestling spirit during these lean times – but for a company that needs to sell Mania tickets based on its upper-middle class of talent (they just don’t realize it).
Winner: Kevin Owens. I’d like to think that whoever they gave the title to in that Fatal Five-Way was meant to hold it for a WrestleMania feud.
John: It’s another feud where there’s been several matches in the last few weeks. Every time they wrestle the match is above average and entertaining. I trust both of them as talents to do something different this time around. When Ziggler won the last two matches it was a shock just because he hasn’t been booked that strong for most of the last year, but it’s also a sign that the company has some faith in him. Will he win the IC Title here? Probably not. Owens just got it back on Monday and I feel like the plan is to have him feud with AJ Styles leading to a singles match at WrestleMania. As much as I’d love Owens vs. Sami Zayn at WM, that’s probably not going to happen since Zayn is wrestling at the NXT show two days before WrestleMania.
They’ll probably get somewhere between 10-15 minutes, hit the three star level (out of five) at worst and could deliver a four star match or higher. The talent is certainly there. I think Owens will win clean with a Popup Powerbomb to once again establish him as a strong champion. How many times will the announcers call him a “prizefighter” during the match? At least five times. Maybe more.
Winner: Kevin Owens

AJ Styles vs. Chris Jericho
Christian: I wish upon a shooting star that WWE just says to these two “here’s 20 minutes, go put on a show”. You know that they will. I’m very excited to see this match in a PPV setting. It could be special.
I think Styles needs this win way more than Jericho. Styles can’t lose his first feud in WWE. Jericho can lose 1,004 matches in a row and WWE fans will still buy him as a main event player. WWE needs to get Styles to a point where he is a viable main event player. I think he is more than capable after watching him a lot in NJPW and ROH over the last two years but the casual WWE fan doesn’t know that side of him. If he loses this match he can easily fall into that midcard 50/50 booking hell that has plagued guys like Wade Barrett and Dolph Ziggler for years. A win here for Styles sets him up nicely for an Intercontinental Championship Match at WrestleMania against Kevin Owens. I think a lot of us would feel that would be a “phenomenal” match for WrestleMania.
Prediction- AJ Styles
Matt: Finally a match that I’m interested in, despite having seen it twice in the last 3 weeks. I’ve really loved how the WWE has handled AJ since his debut and I love this almost friendly rivalry these two have had since he came in. There isn’t a huge amount of animosity between the two (in fact, Jericho has put over how great Styles is every chance he gets), but rather a sense of competitiveness. They both want to be the victor in this rubber match badly.
I expect to see Jericho fully embrace heeldom in this match. I expect this match to get more and more personal as it goes along, and for it to be better than both of their previous matches. About the only thing that I’m not looking forward to, is the amount of times Michael Cole will call AJ Styles a pitbull.
Winner: AJ Styles (because the rubber match should go to the full time newcomer to the WWE)
Heather: “A mastermind of offensive innovation.” Byron Saxton was channeling his inner Matt Stryker when introducing AJ Styles at the Royal Rumble, and so far Styles has impressed even those who had never seen him before. And while I’ve complained about Jericho’s recent comeback, and his being more of an anchor than a mentor to the talent he shares the ring with, my theory is disproven when Jericho’s opponent is a veteran. What happens when Y2J is asked to throw hands against someone with almost 2 decades of experience? They’ve both got to rise to the occasion, for different reasons: Styles in order to prove his worth in the big leagues, and Jericho in order to prove he can stand toe-to-toe with Styles (something that wasn’t necessarily the case with Fandango, Wyatt, Ryback, etc.). I love that AJ hasn’t been WWE-ized upon arrival, and I love that Jericho will take any of that offensive innovation sent his way. Both could be doing worse on Sunday night, and these days, I’ll take it.
Winner: Chris Jericho, after The Miz costs AJ the match.
John: I’m really excited about this one. While I’m sure some fans might be complaining that it’s a repeat of a match that has happened twice already (Styles won on Raw a few weeks back, then Jericho won on Smackdown), I’m happy with it because of the quality of their matches. The first match was pretty good and the second one was even better. Can they top it the third time around in Styles’ PPV debut where they will probably get more time than the first two matches? Yes, I think they can.
There’s a chance that The Miz could get involved in some way although I hope not. I think his role was just to be a pest to both guys because he lost matches to both of them in the build up to this match. He’s done a good job in helping to build this up, though.
Styles should get the win because Jericho’s always been willing to put other people over to help them out, especially a “new” guy like Styles. While I don’t expect Jericho to officially turn heel, he’ll probably do some heel things as a way to get the crowd to rally behind Styles. Jericho’s always been one of the best at feeding off the crowd and he knows his role is to make Styles look good here while also having a very competitive match with him. I’m really happy that they picked Jericho to be Styles’ first feud because it’s been better than I thought it would be. People that didn’t know much of Styles before are likely impressed by him. Those of us that know Styles are happy to see him in a major match at WWE PPV. It’s about damn time.
Give them 15-20 minutes, put Styles over clean with a Styles Clash (maybe he reverses the Walls of Jericho into the SC somehow?) and then post match either do the handshake or have Jericho refuse in order to turn him into more of a heel. As mentioned before, I think Styles vs. Owens is coming at WrestleMania, so they’ll probably do the handshake to end it. This could be the match of the night and one of the best of the year. I’m really excited about it.
Winner: AJ Styles

Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns vs. Dean Ambrose (Winner faces Triple H for WWE Title at WrestleMania 32)
Christian: As much as you want to convince yourself that WWE is going to break their plans of having Roman Reigns face Triple H at WrestleMania, I just don’t see it happening. WWE has been building to this match for so long it only makes sense that they finally do it. If they break away from that plan it makes the whole fall/winter “Reigns being screwed out of the title” stuff a huge waste of time.
It is rather interesting in the last few weeks the focus has been on Dean Ambrose more than it has been with Reigns. Ambrose has been the one gunning for Brock Lesnar. Ambrose has been the one beefing with The Authority leading to Stephanie McMahon screwing Dean out of the Intercontinental Championship. As much as I want it to be Ambrose vs. Triple H, I can’t see WWE going that route. If nothing else, WWE has made you believe Ambrose has a shot to win, which I don’t necessarily think was the case when the match was announced.
Brock Lesnar is in this match to set up his WrestleMania match and makes Reigns look even stronger by winning a match Lesnar was in. I expect the Wyatt Family to cost Brock this match to set up Brock vs. Bray at WrestleMania to piggyback the Wyatts costing Brock the Royal Rumble Match. I’m not in love with Brock vs. Wyatt because I don’t see Wyatt at Lesnar’s level. Not that anyone really is at Brock’s level but Wyatt loses every major match he’s in and there’s no way anyone expects him to beat Lesnar. I’d like to see a Reigns vs. Lesnar WrestleMania rematch come from this match. They had a hell of a slugfest last year and I’d like to see it again. That would mean Ambrose wins this match but again I can’t see WWE deviating from the plan.
Prediction- Roman Reigns
Matt: We’ve arrived at the only match of note on this card. This is the match they’ve built well over the past few weeks, despite it’s existence being counterintuitive to the existence of The Authority. Despite it’s illogical beginnings, the WWE has crafted a very nice 3-Way feud.
On one hand you have Ambrose, who wants to be WWE Champion and also wants to prove that while Brock can beat him up, Brock can’t break him. On the other hand you have Brock Lesnar, the Beast who was never eliminated from the Royal Rumble and was never pinned to lose the WWE Championship before that. He’s had to deal with The Authority jerking him around as well as Ambrose challenging him to lay a real beating on him. On the third hand (just roll with it) you Roman Reigns, who lost the WWE Title in the Royal Rumble match but doesn’t seem all that broken up about it. In fact he seems way too relaxed for somebody about to fight his brother and a monster. Does Roman feel anything?
Now Dean’s worst case scenario is losing outright and being moved to a feud with somebody like Chris Jericho for Wrestlemania. The WWE have done a great job booking him since Rumble, and it would be wasted if all he was here to do is take a fall and move on to another rivalry (which I fear is also his most likely outcome). Dean actually has a couple of best case scenario’s: he wins the match out right and Main Events Wrestlemania, or he loses and fight Brock at Mania (nobody cares about Wyatt/Brock). The money is in Lesnar/Ambrose at this point. In fact, Lesnar vs. Ambrose is the most interesting thing in this match.
Lesnar winning is oddly his worst case scenario, because nobody wants to see Lesnar vs. Triple H again. His best case scenario is losing but facing Dean at Wrestlemania. Bray is a fine consolation prize though if it happens I guess.
Roman, well he’s going to win. The whole feud is Roman vs. Triple H. Any other outcome would be completely unexpected (which would be a welcome change of pace). The problem is that Roman losing leaves him without anything for Wrestlemania.
Winner: Roman Reigns (because as much as we hope, and try to convince ourselves that maybe the WWE will shock us, recent history has shown, they’ll always take the plainest, most obvious path to get to the inevitable conclusion, the crowning of Roman Reigns)
Heather: I guess we kind of have to work backwards from WrestleMania for this match. Who do we think will come out the champion that night? What’s the company’s long-term plan for their biggest title? I don’t think the fireworks will rain down on Triple H as the champ, nor do I think Triple H will lose to Brock Lesnar. Triple H has to be pinned by someone they want the fans to get behind, and Lesnar doesn’t need to be that guy in order to fill seats.
The obvious choice, given the last 18 months, is Roman Reigns. But will the company defer to the fans’ limp reaction to the moist Samoan, and see that a straight-up victory for Reigns is not a wise way to close what they hope to be their biggest Mania? Dean Ambrose has been on a roll lately, but it would be very un-WWE-like to give him that title in that scenario… but if the story is dethroning the cocky King of Kings, Dean Ambrose really is the best person to do it. He would be fearless on the mic against Triple H and the crowd would be hot to see them face off. Ambrose is, by far, the embodiment of “the people” overthrowing “the man”.
Winner: Dean Ambrose. I’m pretty sure I’ll be wrong, but I want my wish on record.
John: The way this match has been built up, you may think that the winner will be Dean Ambrose. He’s the one that has been the focus of the storyline. Ambrose has been the guy that has gotten in Lesnar’s face, talked trash and tried to take down the “bully” at every opportunity. The fans have continued to cheer him. They also had him lose the IC Title last week, which shows that The Authority doesn’t like him. They don’t like Reigns either, yet who is the more sympathetic face right now? It’s Ambrose.
Lesnar’s not going to win because the Wyatt Family is going to be involved just like they were at the Royal Rumble. It hasn’t been teased on television at all. They haven’t even interacted since the Rumble. That’s something they do on purpose to make it seem less obvious. Lesnar’s going to be amazing in this match and I think it has the chance to be nearly as good as my 2015 match of the year (Lesnar vs. Cena vs. Rollins at Royal Rumble 2015), but he’s not going to be there for the final pinfall. He’ll be put through a table or attacked by the four Wyatt Family member guys in a way that will take him out of the picture without making him look weak. Lesnar will beat Wyatt at WrestleMania most likely.
When WWE took the WWE Title off Reigns at the Royal Rumble (something I didn’t agree with), they did so because they needed a WrestleMania main event. With a thinning roster that was hurt due to injuries, they wanted to put the WWE Title on a heel that Reigns can beat to further establish him as the top dog in the company. That main event sadly doesn’t involve Dean Ambrose. It’s Reigns beating Triple H for the WWE Title to put an end to that story that isn’t as good as WWE thinks it is, but who is going to tell them otherwise? Maybe they will put Ambrose into the main event (perhaps a double pin here?), but then they would have another triple threat like two years ago and like the short match last year.
It will come down to Reigns and Ambrose with Reigns getting the win. I’m not sure if Ambrose is going to turn heel after this show or after WrestleMania. If he does turn heel will the fans even boo the guy? I don’t know. I’m also not sure what they are going to do with Ambrose at WrestleMania. I just think the priority is having Triple H put over Reigns and that’s what they are going to do.
This match will be a lot of fun. I have high expectations for it being a great match that will get at least 20 minutes. If you want even more of my thoughts on this match, I did a complete breakdown at Comeback Sports as well.
Winner: Roman Reigns
Final Thoughts
John: This may be the most predictable PPV of the year. While Christian, Matt and I agree on every pick, Heather is hopeful of some other decisions. I don’t know if she’s going to be right on them, but I give her credit for going against the obvious choices at times. Being predictable doesn’t make it bad. It just means that it’s hard to be shocked by any match outcome. If you follow WWE closely then you have a good idea of what’s coming in every match.
I’ll have live coverage of Fastlane on on Sunday night, so check that out during the show or after it’s over.
Christian – @Christian_973
Heather – @kickyhick
Matt – @MJDP_GSE
John – @johnreport
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