TJR Q&A #6: Seth Rollins Injury, Vacant WWE Title, Lesnar Royal Rumble Winner? Over 50 Questions!
What a week it was for WWE huh? With Seth Rollins tearing his ACL/MCL and meniscus in Dublin on Wednesday, it means that he’s going to be out of action for 6-9 months. That was my birthday, by the way, so at least he’ll never forget the dreaded 4th of November. He’s already forfeited the WWE Title while WWE has announced a tournament to crown a new WWE Champion at Survivor Series in Atlanta on November 22.
As of this posting late on Sunday night, we don’t know how many people are in the tournament, if it’s going to be a one night thing or if it will take place over the final two weeks of television build before Survivor Series. For now, all we can do is speculate.
Before I get to the Q&A, let me first say I’ll really miss watching Rollins for the next nine months. I know it says 6-9 months, but when you tear up the entire knee like that it’s pretty serious and I doubt he’s coming back in six months. If it’s nine months then that puts it right around SummerSlam time, so he should return as a huge babyface at that point. I’ll definitely miss him while he’s gone because he’s been WWE’s best performer in the last two years and he has another decade of greatness ahead of him. The guy’s a workhorse, so you know he’s going to bust his ass to get back as soon as possible. All the best to him in his rehab.
My pick for the next WWE Champion is Roman Reigns. I know it’s predictable. I know some people think he’s not ready or that it would be boring. Well, guess what? WWE loves the guy and they want him to be the “face” of the company or at least try to get him there. I don’t see him turning heel either. I think he’ll win as the face just like he was reportedly scheduled to beat Rollins at Survivor Series for the WWE Title anyway. If they do a swerve with him or somebody else (like Ambrose) then I’m all for it. I just think they’ll stay the course and use this tournament to put Reigns over.
Time for the Q&A. As always, I’ll start with the questions from people on my Facebook page and then a few questions from last week’s Q&A that are still relevant.
1. Mike Mello
Who’s your predicted Rumble winner now? (Assuming Rollins’ injury changes it.)
My pick before the Rollins injury was Reigns. Now that has changed. I think Lesnar is a very likely Rumble winner because I’m probably picking Reigns to win this tournament. However, we don’t know the details of the tournament right now, so I think it’s a bit weird to pick a winner at this point. I guess what I’m getting at is they might go with Reigns as champion vs. Lesnar as challenger for WM.
2. Bobby Geezus
Do you think Brock Lesnar or Daniel Bryan will be in the WWE Title tournament?
I don’t think so. I really like both guys and really want Bryan to be back, but I’m not sure if one guy getting a serious injury means they would just clear him.
As for Lesnar, they should just save him until the Royal Rumble match. If he’s not going to win the title in the Survivor Series tournament, keep him out of it altogether. No point in having him lose.
3. Ben Atkins
How would you book Bray Wyatt to win the WWE World Heavyweight Title? And, who would you have him take the title from and lose it too?
I’d wait it out a bit. Maybe post WrestleMania season. There’s no reason to rush it because he’s a young guy with a bright future. The problem is he hasn’t won that many key feuds, so he’s not going to be seen as a really huge star until then. That’s why you have to build it up. Let’s say Reigns wins it at SSeries. I think Wyatt may be the one that beats him for it after WrestleMania.
4. Chris McDonald
If The Freebirds go into the HOF next year, should Jimmy Garvin be included?
I think you should acknowledge him for sure, but it would probably just be Hayes, Gordy and Roberts. Kind of like with the Horsemen where they ignored a bunch of them.
5. Pat Broadbent
If it’s an 8 man tournament at Survivor Series, who are your 8 guys?
Off the top of my head I’d go with Reigns, Ambrose, Owens, Sheamus, Del Rio, Cesaro, Kane, Big Show. I’m sorry if that is disappointing, but just saying what I think WWE would do and like I said going off the top of my head.
I wouldn’t include Wyatt, Undertaker, Cena or Lesnar. If they’re in other feuds or scheduled time off them let them have it.
I would have Reigns beat Ambrose in a close match in the finals. Then you can have Ambrose turn heel because he couldn’t win or at least tease that.
6. David Harnick
Do you see a screw job at the end of the tournament just like in 98?
I don’t, but I loved that show and will be writing something about it very soon. I certainly get why people think it might happen.
7. Ralph Racine
Don’t you think Ambrose should get the push as champ?
I would love it especially as a heel. I think he’s one of the three most likely winners of the WWE Title at Survivor Series along with Reigns and Sheamus. I just think it will be Reigns.
8. Aneil Komal
Why doesn’t WWE do a big angle like it has in the past?
To them, Bray Wyatt become a wizard is a big angle. I guess they haven’t done something huge since the Rollins turn in June 2014. Not that many other major heel turns unless you want to count Sheamus. I dunno why there’s a reluctance.
9. Andre Jones
Greetings John. It’s Logic.. Again! My question for you is with the growing success of NXT, do you think a change of venue as far as a bigger arena is possible?
Yeah they could do it and I think doing tapings at arenas that have like 5,000 people is better than being at Full Sail with 500 people. However, that crowd is great as well as WWE’s working relationship with the university. There’s something to be said about the small time feel of NXT that makes it special.
10. Parker Steveson
Do you think Del Rio and Swagger will eventually make a pretty decent tag under Zeb? I’m aware I’m the only person that cares about this.
I think they should have a few wrestlers in the stable. They can definitely get a good tag team out of it. Maybe you do something where Del Rio is the leader, Swagger and a good worker like Adam Rose become a tag team and see how well they can do.
11. Roderick Walker
Which current or former wwe superstars or divas do you think would be better as managers or on air personalities instead of wrestlers?
Not that many. I don’t think active wrestlers are great as managers. They’re not used to being in the background. Maybe a current guy that could be very good as a manager is Brad Maddox, but he’s still a young guy that can be a good wrestler too. So I’m not sure. I think they should have more women become managers like they are doing with Summer Rae. It would help them out.
12. Paul Jacques
I’m going to the Smackdown taping on Tuesday, do you think I will see any championship qualifier matches. Or will it just be filler?
Undertaker will be there, so that’s cool. I think they’ll probably try to make it seem better because the England crowd will be bigger than normal. With that said, Smackdown is hardly “must see” anymore.
13. Roman Hoysak
Do you think there’s even a slight chance anyone wins the tourney besides Reigns or is it set in stone at this point?
It’s not set in stone. Lots of options. I just think he’s the obvious choice and they are likely to go with him because the reports were that he was going to beat Rollins for it at this show or the next one anyway. They want to see what he can do as champ, so…to borrow a John Cena phrase…the time is now. Can it be somebody else? Absolutely.
14. Van Wilhoite
More likely to win the Survivor Series tourney…DBry or Sting?
I think Bryan is more likely to be in it because Sting’s health is probably worse of the two right now. So my answer is Bryan. I just don’t think either is in it or winning.
15. Roderick Walker
What are some of your 5 favorite underrated championship matches by title (wwe, ic, us, tag, women’s /divas)?
Okay. Off top of my head here because I want to get through other questions.
WWE Title – Angle vs. Lesnar vs. Big Show Vengeance 2003. Amazing triple threat match.
IC Title – Shawn Michaels vs. Jeff Jarrett at IYH July 1995. I love that match.
US Title – Bryan vs. Ziggler at Bragging Rights 2010.
Tag Team Title – Eddie Guerrero/Tajiri vs. Haas/Benjamin Judgment Day 2003.
Women’s – When Mickie James beat Beth Phoenix for the title on Raw in England. Outstanding match with a great story.
I don’t love the term underrated much, but those are some great ones to check out.
16. Andy Mullen
Is Breaking Ground everything that Tough Enough should have been?
It’s not the same concept. I think having a reality competition show is different than just showing people training. What’s good about it is the wrestling aspect. The problem is that for Tough Enough they want to show people in a house doing shit because that’s what viewers are used to for reality shows. No question that Tough Enough could have been better. I like Breaking Ground a lot, but it’s more for the hardcore fan and with TE they want to get the casual fans in too.
17. Simon Copp
What are you most looking forward to at Wrestle Kingdom: Tanahashi vs Okada or Styles vs Nakamura?
Both are amazing. I’m not a huge NJPW “expert” by any means, but I’ve seen plenty of Tanahashi/Okada matches and I think that’s the best rivalry in wrestling in the last five years or so. Huge Nakamura fan. Seen a lot of Styles of course. I think both can be five star matches, so I’m equally excited for them. Having English commentary makes me enjoy the product more as well.
18. Daniel Mount
Will Samoa Joe ever be called up?
Sure he will. I think he’ll beat Finn Balor for the NXT Title at the December NXT Takeover show in England. Then Finn debuts at the Royal Rumble. Joe holds the title until the NXT show on the Friday show before WrestleMania and then Joe debuts on the main roster on the Monday after Raw. That’s how I’d do it.
19. Kevin Jones
What one wrestler did wcw,ecw and wwe drop the ball on? Three separate answers please.
WCW – I think Scott Steiner should have been World Champion about three years before he won in 2000. Phenomenal talent. By the time he won, the company was dead.
ECW – Nobody stands out, but maybe Lance Storm. I think he could have main evented for them. He wasn’t really pushed to that spot.
WWE – Wade Barrett. Should have been World Champion in 2011. They could have made a big splash in having a British World Champion.
20. Scottie Stiles
What does someone like David Otunga do for WWE anymore? Just sit at home and cash an occasional check?
He is an announcer on the Raw pre-show. I don’t think he was ever a good wrestler, but he’s a good talker.
21. Jeremy Cottreau
In your opinion, what has been the best use of a celebrity, either in-ring, or to further a storyline? (ie, Stephen Amell’s tag match, Bob Barker as GM, Shatner singing the themes, Hugh Jackman decking Dolph Ziggler, etc)
It’s Mike Tyson for the impact he had on the business at the time. I know Eric Bischoff told the story that when he was told about it he knew it was the beginning of the end because of how big of a star Tyson was. Plus, Tyson was legit nuts since he was suspended from boxing for biting Holyfield’s ear, so nobody knew what he might do in wrestling. Second best is Mr. T for WrestleMania 1 because he was a huge TV star at the time and his presence helped a lot. You mentioned some fun recent moments too, but they aren’t difference makers.
22. Christopher Saheed Houston
Would you put the belt on Reigns now ……or would you want him to develop his promo skills more before? I think it will be a gamble now for WWE to do so and I think it will eventually hurt his development. I still think that he needs to sell more and work on his promos.
I think he’s ready. He’s had several great matches this year on PPV. I just wouldn’t have him cut long promos. Short and sweet only. They need less talking and more action.
24. Larry Yadao
Would this a great time to bring in someone like Finn Balor from to NXT be in the tournament and perhaps go to the final and even lose it to someone like Roman Reigns? Just to perhaps raise up their stock and get them noticed by the WWE crowds? I think it would be great to see Balor on Raw and win a match just to get his face out there, then on the PPV have him come out with the paint. Maybe even have Samoa Joe cost him the title if it’s against someone like Bray Wyatt in the final.
I think Balor in the tournament would be cool. I can imagine he’d get a huge pop in England for Raw on Monday given the fact that he’s from Ireland. My feeling has been save it for the Rumble with him, but if they rush it I’m not going to complain because he’s a tremendous talent that is ready for the big time.
25. Eric Hay
How long do you think it will take for someone to truly replace John Cena as the actual face of the company? This includes schedule, merchandise sales and appearances.
Within the next two to three years. I think his name is Seth Rollins. Going to be a massive babyface star. I could be wrong, of course!
26. Jason Richey
How do you see Shea moose’ (Sheamus) cash in going?
I think he’ll try to cash in on Reigns soon after Reigns win the WWE Title at Survivor Series (like the next night on Raw) and Sheamus loses. Just because he has the briefcase doesn’t mean he’s winning the gold. Then you can have Sheamus attack Reigns after his failed cash-in as a way to keep the feud going. They can have a match at TLC where Reigns wins again.
27. Allen Boyce
Do you think with the WWE releasing an Owen Hart dvd that they might finally be able to induct him this year, or will his untimely accident still pose an issue? Personally he was my favorite Hart.
I think his wife would put up a major fight and would be the kind of negative press that WWE wouldn’t want. I agree with you as well as Bret Hart when he says it’s not about her or making money off his name – it’s about letting fans appreciate him for the talent he was. I’m not mad if he’s never inducted. I know he was great. Don’t need HOF to validate anything. Some fans do, I guess. I don’t think he’ll be in next year’s HOF or any time soon just due to all of the issues involved with doing it.
28. Ali Claire
Do you think the undertaker will have a public send off when he retires? And is that likely to be next Wrestlemania?
I think it’s his last WrestleMania. I don’t know if it will be acknowledged as such, but if it is then that would be a major selling point for the show. If I was WWE I’d say it was his last WrestleMania. If you want to get more viewers and more people in that building, mention that it’s the end of his career. It will help.
29. Andy Robinson
Think Reigns will make more money for WWE as a heel or face champion?
I don’t think he would be a great top heel. I think he’s better as a face and I think in time people will see that. It’s funny because two years ago at Survivor Series he had his coming out party with people going crazy for the guy. Now they feel negative towards him, which he doesn’t deserve. I just don’t think he’ll be heel for several years.
30. Rob Brown
It seems to me that the winner of the Survivor Series tournament is a bit wide open. I’d assume Reigns is the favorite to win, but…I just don’t know. If it were up to you, would you go with the ‘safe’ pick of Reigns, or go out on a limb with a bit of an upset (Ambrose, Cesaro, Owens, Wyatt?). Follow up; what is the best option as far as telling a story between now and ‘Mania?
I would probably pick Owens. He’d be amazing as WWE Champion and it’s a way to say he had one of the best “rookie” years in WWE history too. I don’t think it’s happening though!
Best story for WM is you build up three huge matches, so let’s say they are WWE Champion Reigns vs. Lesnar to see if he can beat Lesnar, Undertaker vs. Cena in what is billed as Undertaker’s retirement match and then Rock vs. HHH because it would be cool for the casual fans.
31. Ryan Zaina Somerville
Anybody seen any more info about the actual WWE WHC tournament itself? Hopefully it’s a 16-man Deadly Games tournament starting from this week’s RAW n SmackDown. Four First Round matches on RAW then four on SmackDown, two Quarter-Final matches on the next week’s RAW n the other two on SmackDown, with the Semi-Finals n Final at Survivor Series!
WWE hasn’t really released anything. It’s a combination of them probably not knowing what they want to do and maybe they want to keep it quiet until Raw on Monday. Want to know more? Tune in. It’s a good selling point.
32. Ed Luis Valentin
The theme song for NXT Takeover London is Motorhead’s Ace of Spades and Ozzy performed a song on Smackdown back in 2007. What are the chances of WWE using more metal/classic rock music for their themes or having them perform on TV? Judas Priest performing on WrestleMania would be amazing.
I think it might be some Triple H influence because we know he’s tight with Motorhead and into that kind of music. It’s good to have variety.
33. JT Adams
Should Raw or Smackdown have a NXT match once a week to kinda pull something out of their sleeves for ratings especially Raw during football season?
Not every week. Maybe once per month. Call it a “NXT Showcase” match and then have some tag match like Balor/Crews vs. Joe/Corbin and let them show their stuff. Fine with me. As for ratings, as much as I love NXT, I don’t see how a show with a smaller audience on WWE Network can boost a cable television show. Most of the hardcore fans watching NXT are watching Raw anyway. The benefit to it would be to have the Raw viewers be more likely to tune into NXT because of what they saw from the NXT performers
34. Bradley Lopez
Should wwe cut back on ppvs? I just think financially this would be a smart move. And you could probably have longer better storylines like we did in the eighties and nineties.
I think financially it would be a stupid move. They are the most watched shows on their Network and you need to keep doing them or else you’ll lose subscribers. What better stories in the 1990s? The years from 1993 to like 1996 were awful. The PPVs are much higher quality on average now.
35. Aj Giacobbe
Do you think Bayley has the potential to be one of the most over faces once she gets called to the main roster?
Absolutely. They have to do a good job of telling her story as the girl living her dream and is likable. You can’t just toss her out there and expect cheers. They need to introduce her to the bigger audience without just assuming everybody knows a lot about her.
36. Who do you see Brock Lesnar wrestling before Wrestlemania? I can’t see Brock not wrestling again before then.
He’s wrestling at a show in LA that will probably be on WWE Network – like a televised house show. It’s in mid-December. Then he’ll probably be in the Royal Rumble and I think he’ll win that. Then WrestleMania.
37. With his return soon and his biggest rival being IC Champ, any chance we see Zayn/Owens at Wrestlemania? Also, who will be the payoff to the “Who attacked Hideo?” storyline?
I think Owens vs. Zayn at WM for 15 minutes is an absolute must have match. If it was up to me it would be. Have Sami win the IC Title there.
I guess with the Hideo story they could say it was Joe that did it since he’s a heel now and he could have a feud with him. It’s a way to put over Joe as a jerk that wants to take out others to get to the top.
38. Tim Shady Bone Mattox
In your opinion is there any one left that can return/debut that would be shocking? Except maybe Kurt Angle.
I think Jeff Hardy and Kurt Angle are the biggest returns/debuts. Or Jeff with Matt if they want to put them back as a tag team. I don’t think AJ Styles will go to WWE. He’s making huge money and the pay cut wouldn’t be worth it for him.
39. Greg Holman
Who has been the biggest disappointment in the last year?
The terrible way that WWE has booked Damien Sandow after the angle with Miz was over. He’s so talented and deserves to be used better. Not his fault. Blame creative.
40. Johnny Davis
Why do you think we never got a good feud between the Rock and Undertaker? I know they fought a handful of times and we got “mickey mouse tattoos” from it but it always felt like money left on the table between those two.
That’s a good one. They never really had a great singles match or memorable feud. It probably could have happened in the 2000s if The Rock stayed because he was improving in the ring, but it wasn’t meant to be. I’m not sure why it never happened other than both guys being on different paths or being heel/face at the same time. Their 3 way match with Angle at Vengeance 2002 is a classic.
41. Brian Coats
Do you think WWE hitting the panic button and bringing back old stars would actually backfire?
I’m not sure there are that many that are left to bring back. Kurt Angle is in his mid-40s yet he’s better than half the roster if not more. Jeff Hardy isn’t even 40 yet, so he’s not that old in wrestling terms. There aren’t that many others to bring back.
42. Austin Muller
WWE brought Batista back to win title at Wrestlemania and then fan backlash got Daniel Bryan the win. Batista was not seen again. What was the plan if he ended up with the belt?
Thank CM Punk! His quitting really changed things up and I don’t know if things would have changed otherwise. I think WWE would have realized Bryan was the choice to be the WWE Champion and wold have pencilled him to beat Batista within a few months after WM. Of course Bryan got hurt, so maybe that would have negated it. Then we could have got Lesnar vs. Batista. Also, as a final point, Batista did hang around for a few months after WrestleMania and I don’t think he’ll go back thanks to his successful movie career.
43. Aj Giacobbe
Who would you book to win the next MITB?
Kevin Owens or Bray Wyatt. I support the chubby guys! Both would be awesome choices to me.
44. Adrian Libatique
Was ending taker’s streak a good or bad decision?
I’m fine with it, but I get why people are upset. It wasn’t a title, so it’s not like it had to be protected forever. One day the guy will stop wrestling while Lesnar has years left. What I would have done is had somebody else be undefeated at WrestleMania (let’s say John Cena) and have that guy beat Undertaker, then that person would try to beat the record number and somebody else comes along to beat him. At least then the Streak means more.
45. Bradley Lopez
Just thought of another one. With WWE doing this Table for 3, who would you have living or dead in a Table for 3?
I think Austin, Rock and Undertaker would be the most fascinating. I can just imagine Austin sitting there laughing his ass off remembering their time together while Rock also laughs a lot while Undertaker tries to hold it on, but then he busts out laughing too. Would be fun to see that.
Another one would be Vince McMahon, his dad (you said alive or dead) and Shane McMahon just because I find it weird that Shane left the business.
46. Danny Kowalski
Do you think Damien Sandow will ever get a significant push again?
I really doubt it. I hope so, but I think it’s unlikely that they would turn to a midcarder in his mid-30s and push him hard when they have a lot of great performers that are younger. He’s near the top of the list of guys that have been used poorly in the last five years. Should be a much bigger star based on his talent.
47. Jesse Ornelas
Do you think Sheamus will use MITB to automatically become WWE Champion since it’s vacant?
No. Doesn’t make sense. I’ve had a few people suggest this, but it doesn’t work with me. The idea with MITB is that you can challenge the current champion at any time as long as you have a referee with you. If there is no current champion then there is no challenge to make and thus wouldn’t be possible.
48. Sana Nazm
Do you think Ambrose will ever be world champ? I always thought he would since he is too talented not to, but I’m starting to get doubts… Especially with all these great NXT talents coming up.
I think he will for sure. Maybe next year even. He turns 30 in December, so he’s probably got another 10 years left if he’s healthy and is motivated. He’s already main evented several PPVs too, so I’d say he’s done pretty well for himself.
49. Michael Holdren
What are your thoughts on Braun Strowman? Just another Khali or do you see talent?
I think he’s more talented than Khali, but it takes time. Put him on house shows with good workers and let him get better that way. It’s a shame Daniel Bryan is out because he can make anybody look amazing. I think WWE wants Strowman to be a main eventer, but they won’t force it. Up to him.
50. James Tascar Mayhew
Is TNA going to survive much longer?
I think they can survive for as long as they want, but I don’t think they can grow and that’s probably a reason why people think they might pull the plug. Being on a barely visible television channel like Destination America isn’t helping very much. If they can sustain things, though, they will probably do it. Will they get bigger? I doubt it. That’s the problem with them.
51. James Tascar Mayhew
If Stone Cold Steve Austin wouldn’t have had to retire early, and The Rock, and Brock Lesnar leaving in 2004, would Triple H’s reign of terror still happened, and would John Cena, Batista, and Randy Orton, and Edge have become three of the biggest stars for the last 10 years?
I think Austin would have wrestled another four or five years after 2003 if he was healthy. Then he could have retired by age 44 or so. The Rock was only in his early 30s when he left as a full timer, so he could have had another decade. Lesnar probably would have been pushed more than anybody else. Triple H likely would have been at or near the top for as long as he was because he earned it based on talent, plus the benefit of who he’s married to. As for Cena, Batista, Orton and Edge – they all would have had great careers although I doubt they’d have as many title wins as they ended up having. Of those four, I think Cena and Orton still would have been huge.
52. Andy Rif Sheriff
What’s your opinion on Asuka and do you think she’ll fit in well on the main roster?
Outstanding wrestler that offers something different from the norm, so I’m glad she’s there. I think her technical wrestling prowess is incredible and I love the way she applies an armbar. I don’t think they need to have her doing long promos. So far they are keeping it simple by not having her talk a lot, which is fine with me. She can be a huge star if they give her a fair shot. Plus, it’s good for the Japanese market to have a women’s star that is so skilled in the ring. I look forward to seeing her against the likes of Bayley and Sasha Banks in the future.
53. Joseph D Graves
When a guy gets over with the crowd, why does the WWE decide to bury them instead of capitalizing on it? By this I mean the guys that get over by themselves, but were not chosen by Vince.
It’s frustrating for sure. I guess the reason why it doesn’t happen is because they might have storylines in place for certain people and if some wrestler gets over on their own or in another way then it messes things up. I think it’s smart to book things in advance, but they need to adjust and be flexible with the crowd too.
Here are questions with my answers from last week’s Q&A post.
54. JJ
Do you think WWE would ever dedicate a wrestling show to the Divas like Superstars or Main Event? It would give them more time to focus on Diva storylines and the bigger storylines could still be featured on Raw or Smackdown with recaps of other show to fill viewers in.
I think those shows are pretty much dead, so I wouldn’t do that. What I would do is have a women’s only two hour WWE Network special that featured only women’s matches. It can be women from the main roster as well as a match from NXT. I think something like that could do really well if properly promoted and in a city with passionate fans that appreciate good wrestling. It would be a history making event.
55. TheBlindGuy
I keep reading that the E has 25 writers on creative. Is that necessary? or is there a creative team for each show they produce.
I don’t think it’s necessary, but that’s how they want things to be. They want to be perceived as this company that has a great scripted television show and seem to be set in their ways. In addition to all those writers, they have about a dozen backstage agents and producers that tweak things all the time too. It’s a lot of people trying to produce the same great content although it’s hard to do on a consistent basis.
56. nomaD Curry
Which guest would you like to have the most on your podcast? I think ‘Big Poppa Pump’ Scott Steiner would be insane!
He would be haha! I think I’d have to go with my three favorite wrestlers ever: Shawn Michaels, Steve Austin and Kurt Angle. They would be the most fun for me. We had Bret Hart on over a year ago in a different formatted show and it was incredible. Still marking out. There are so many others I’d like to talk to. I think among current WWE performers, Paul Heyman really comes to mind. That would be a thrill.
57. Mike Julius
Is it time for MITB to be for the mid card belts? Sure it’s a cool concept, but Sheamus won it this year, SHEAMUS!
Good point about the winner. I don’t think so when it comes to adding more MITB cases to carry around. If you overdo it, some of the appeal is gone. It’s just like if they added more titles – it wouldn’t be meaningful if somebody won one because there are so many others.
58. DonKeidick
Everyone is wanting 2 hour Raw’s. I’d rather have a 2 man announce team. What would you say to having Cole and JBL doing raw, Jerry Lawler FINALLY retiring and Renee young being the face commentator and Corey Graves being on color on smackdown? (I don’t think anyone wants Byron Saxton around.)
I like it with three people. I think it’s better than two especially on a three hour show. Plus, they have so many commentators in the company that they need to use them for something. I would put Renee with Cole and JBL now. Gets a different voice out there, plus she’s smart and can be funny too. Graves should probably be on the main roster too. I like Brennan and Booker. Lawler should retire, but I don’t blame him for going as long as he can. If they want you, might as well do it.
That’s all for this week. I’ll try to do one per week. My plan is to make it a Sunday post. If you have a question for the next one, put in the comments below or follow me on Twitter @johnreport or add me on Facebook (search “John Canton”) and I’ll be happy to answer to the best of my ability.
I’ll be back on Tuesday for the Raw Deal.